[see post below--this is in addition to]
lets begin here, take a look Western Women--at the Reality, of what the Women, Girls in Afghanistan live with, corrupted War Lords supported by OUR GOVERNMENT, and not just in Afghanistan, but in Iraq...and may I also say, the support of governments that are Notorious, for doing these same horrors, to Christian women [and the media is very quite about this real fact--such as the Christian women who are repeatedly raped in Pakistan, who are forced to carry human feces, as punishment, for being Christian--brutality isn't discriminatory--and its time, to confront it at its roots, of justifications, Patriarchy and Misogyny under Theocracy AND religion. I say this, as a Christian--who does NOT believe, MEN ARE SUPERIOR TO WOMEN and have these ENTITLEMENTS TO ABUSE WOMEN, BE IT THEIR WIVES OR OTHER WOMEN. I will be writing on the horrors that Christian women, in Iraq and Pakistan, India, have been suffering, silently, the horrid thing is, even the Muslim women in these areas and Hindu women, do not support the poorest of the poor in these countries--the Christians, because they are deemed 'infidels' and the women/girls are raped and brutalized with impunity and without any empathy even from the women in those countries, I do wonder though, if that may be contributed to the fact that IF these Muslim women lifted a finger, those who are not 'oppressors' themselves, would pay a high price, in the misogynist societies, and point being, we, Women, have got to stop Pandering to ALL MISOGYNY, and the 'excuses' and the sticking our heads in sand, at the abuses of women, children, its that simple, because to not confront Violence and Evil, is to give your 'o.k.' to it. And it only furthers the world of misogyny, violence, power and abuse of power, war, child abuse, discrimination, Sharia laws and religious cults and spiritual abuses, etc. Either we stand for justice, peace, equality, love, LOVE, OR WE DON'T,
More on the reason why 'switching' fundamentalism is not the 'answer' to the plight of women--and why, any who truly are for elevating the status AND safety AND welfare of Women--need to stop supporting the 'lip service' promises that are just as misogynist as the other, who kill and butcher and rape girls and women and young boys, with as much hatred and zeal and religious 'justifications' or 'materialist' justifications--why they are really, just the same, Boys joined at the Loins club, using Might and Power--to brutalize and oppress,
More on why WAR escalation in Afghanistan--simply switching power from one misogynist reactionary thug group to another, in NO WAY, LIBERATES WOMEN...and we, are FED UP, with Women's Rights, being used as 'THE LIE' to prop up, more despots for greed, 'trade' and oil and arms.
see: http://www.rawa.org/rawa/2009/12/06/not-all-feminists-love-escalation-in-afghanistan.html
[note: I would think, the women on the ground there, the poor who are 'not protected by the Drug and Extortion monies, would know far more, about the Reality, of the 'lack of liberation for women' than MEN and the Parrot women in the West, who support this war front. I see the photos and I think--they are our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, they are US---women, and as a woman, I, can not wrap my mind, around supporting one more 'boys club' and THE WAR DOGS who not only turn a blind eye to these horrors, but who make 'wealth' and 'Power' via supporting these War Lords, I don't care 'who' they are OR WHAT GOD THEY CLAIM. Women, its time, to say, NO MORE--ENOUGH, NO MORE WAR, NO MORE EXCUSES FOR RAPE, MISOGYNY, POVERTY, WAR
NO MORE. This, is not about fighting for Freedom, it would be one thing if it was, but any one with any Thinking sense, can see the hundreds of photos, of the children, the women, the girls who have torched themselves in Desperation to flee the violence and the misogyny that goes on with impunity, to not see, that something is terribly wrong, with the picture and the so called 'claims of democracy'. Democracy for Who, I ask? MEN WHO RAPE KIDS?
EVIL----and I, will not support it, I hope, neither do you. And, yes, the Taliban are evil, granted, but you know,
Not all feminists love escalation in Afghanistan
Maybe RAWA and its allies would have a better shot at power if the occupation wasn’t shoveling billions of dollars to the most reactionary elements in society.
Dana Goldstein has a piece called "Why Feminists Love the Surge" in the Daily Beast. Her prime example is Eleanor Smeal, founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation, which has advocating for women and girls in Afghanistan since 1996. Smeal believes that long-term U.S. military occupation is the only way to save women and girls from the horrors of another Taliban-style regime.
Yet, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), the nation's oldest and most illustrious feminist group, opposes the U.S. occupation. RAWA argues that the real enemy of women's rights in Afghanistan is religious fundamentalism, not the Taliban, per se.
RAWA sees the U.S. occupation entrenching a regime stuffed to the gills with fundamentalists, reactionaries, misogynists, criminals, and warlords. As the group says on its website:
The US "War on terrorism" removed the Taliban regime in October 2001, but it has not removed religious fundamentalism which is the main cause of all our miseries. In fact, by reinstalling the warlords in power in Afghanistan, the US administration is replacing one fundamentalist regime with another. The US government and Mr. Karzai mostly rely on Northern Alliance criminal leaders who are as brutal and misogynist as the Taliban.
RAWA believes that freedom and democracy can’t be donated; it is the duty of the people of a country to fight and achieve these values. Under the US-supported government, the sworn enemies of human rights, democracy and secularism have gripped their claws over our country and attempt to restore their religious fascism on our people.
At feministe, Frau Sally Benz links to an interview with a RAWA spokeswoman known only by the pseudonym "Zoya." Zoya's on a speaking tour, but her face is blurred out for her own safety. Even in occupied Afghanistan, it's dangerous for women to speak out.
Westerners usually frame the debate over U.S./NATO policy in Afghanistan is usually framed as a choice between handing the country back to the Taliban or propping up the Karzai regime. The latter is assumed to be a dramatically better option for women's rights.
Karzai pays lip service to women's rights, but jettisons them whenever they need to make a compromise to stay in power. It should be noted that the Karzai government was responsible for the infamous Shia Family Law which legalized marital rape within Shia marriages.
Last month, Malalai Joya, a former member of the Afghan parliament, told Michelle Goldberg of the Daily Beast that the situation for Afghan women is every bit as bad under Karzai as it was under the Taliban. Joya is also concerned that civilian casualties are fueling popular support for the Taliban.
RAWA and its grassroots allies think that pro-democracy forces could transform the country on their own without U.S. military occupation. That's a point of view we seldom hear in U.S. media.
I don't know how realistic it is to think that pro-democracy forces could prevail against warlords and the Taliban, but the question hasn't gotten nearly as much attention as the issue of whether the U.S. could force reform at gunpoint. Maybe RAWA and its allies would have a better shot at power if the occupation wasn't shoveling billions of dollars to the most reactionary elements in society.
Category: English, RAWA in Media
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6 days ago
I don't even know how to start praying except,
"Dear God, show us what to do. Give us wisdom to pray and act."
How do you fight against such reckless hate?
How do you stand against such an overpowering darkness, such a deep, demonic evil?
Was internet surfing and came across this site.
Didn't dig deep, but it looks like it might be interesting
Thank you Mara,
that is a good site, I will be adding link on it here, its very much needed, a real wake up call, that's for sure.
AS for how to pray,
well, on my good days [when I haven't like totally tossed Christianity out the window, those days are getting less and less I'm afraid], I pray for one,
resources, because without resources there isn't much for these women to work with, as for praying for gov, I don't waste my time there, its that hierarchy that the Bible says, God puts into place, so, I don't even waste time with that,
instead, I pray for places of refuge for women, that aren't open to the violence of men, if that is possible, I pray for women who DO have resources to open up their hearts, time and energy, to get more involved, and there are many ways to help,
for one, that one video had an address where one can adopt a family, on the RAWA site, there is a lot of ways to help, and you can donate computer things or purchase shirts that they use to raise money for the women centers, etc.,
knowing that money is limited, one way to help [and see post below or to the side bar on the quilting] is to get a coop of women to raise funds, doing quilting or painting, what have you, and in fact, you can raise money, painting,
on the WAMI blog, look to the right side bar, to the picture of the girl in Sudan, this artist, works with other artists, who paint on 'issues' and raise funds, for organizations that work with these people, like relief work, etc.
So, there are a lot of ways, to get involved, to get others aware, etc., just have to follow one's heart and find where or which one God is leading one too, because the need is overwhelming, it can get depressing,
I do suggest, learning about the issues across the board, so to speak, because some are more politicized therefore they get more assistance, where as, others are not politicized at all, and there is little to no assistance, and its those women who tend to fall through the cracks the most.
And then, there are just regions where help is simply not accessible to women, at all--
so, on those, I pray for access to be opened, for miracles, pretty much.
And, I am learning, that sometimes, there are women, right next door, who just need, someone to be there for them,
often times, elderly women or single parents...so doing things there, can make a world of difference. I think, more though, is there is a really huge need for education among Christian women, because of the deliberate 'sheltering' to 'close women off' from each other [its easier to abuse them this way], so many women simply are not aware,
and its not so much that women can change the world, per se, but I do think, women should be aware, that often, the policies that the Christian right supports and the agendas, that we hear in the Christian 'male' worshiping culture, really are detrimental and some of the most horrid policies, to women overseas, and if women know this,
they can vote with their conscience rather than supporting what they've been 'mislead' to support, and THAT I think, is really important because I have heard, so much 'lies' spewed from churches, on issues, that on the outside, look Godly,
but peel the layers away, they are some of the most evil, horrid, abuses that are Deliberate, for greed and misogyny to rule rampant, so that MEN and Male Power, can benefit.
And this is why, I feel very strong, that the more women know, the better....if anything, women can choose, to separate from that Culture,
and simply, not be a puppet of that culture anymore. And sometimes, that is more than sending money, etc. And, there ARE so many women, in the secular that are doing just this, so, it creates opportunities, to share Christ,
not in word, so much, but in Action, and they Do, take notice.
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