OK, so, think I'll do something different today, focus on Someone who is not only my Rock but my Friend, my Inspiration, my Savior and well,
My 'art' professor. [as well as numerous Other subjects because quite honestly, He is THE best, after all, Sister, He [who is Spirit, not gender, not Man as HE so says Himself in OT] made Us, Women, in His-Her image. Yes, that's right, I use Him-Her because in His Word He has shown me hundreds of references to His-Female side, His-Her, Spirit...not flesh. [will leave the whole debate for another time, its What I believe and that's That].
So anyway, one reason I pick the 'blogs' I do on the side bar as far as embroidery, are that most of them, reference nature in their influence/art, some of them are more vintage and I like vintage, but all in all, its the works inspired by nature, God's creation, that I am lured to the most--maybe because I'm somewhat of a naturalist--meaning, nature inspired, not the 'natural beast vs God, etc, just in case that is misunderstood. I use a lot of 'nature' things in my reconstruct items around the house and esp the garden-yard. Not having a lot of money growing up, OK, that's an understatement of the year, I grew up poor, still am, so well, I spent a lot of time OUTDOORS rather than INDOORS and in fact, weather allowing, I still do. I meet God more in nature, than I do inside--hard to explain but by meet, its like I see more of Who God is, in nature, than I do like when looking at items purchased, you know,
and while I like sure, pretty things, vintage and abstracts and all that--after a while, well, they all start to look like sort of the same, and where, the Difference between 'human' made things and God made things is that
Our things, will, Bible says one day they'll be burned up, so it IS vanity to like, put your Trust in them, not only that, they rust, moths eat them, you die and someone else gets them, uh, floods mold them and tornadoes blow them away and well, you know,
they are nice, pretty, sure, they are fun to make--BUT THEY DON'T GIVE 'LIFE'.
But that doesn't mean, that we should 'shun' creating things nor lose our person hood made in HIS image [not our husband's, not patriarchy's but oh they so try don't they, and not by churches or cults of personalities or all the Other fascist forces out there that are bent on destroying the souls of humanity, and more so, the misogynist ones bent on Destroying the Souls of Women, MADE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD].
Image is Mirror---if God is a creator, then obviously, if we, in His image, we'd be creators too, we all have been given gifts, after all, God is a Big God, quite diverse actually, not this homogeneous Prairie sackcloth character that the Religious haters [related to spiritual] like to give Him, no, but if you Look at His creation, all over the world, from botany to animals to sea life--why, we Still do not have All His creation logged in books--we are Still finding out new animals and plant life, and it is 2010 so, uh
yea, He's quite diverse alright. And just the 'female' parts of nature, are simply Amazing...did you know, that one dragon, a.k.a. Lizards, Komodo I believe, can create her own offspring without a male? And that male 'seahorses' are the ones who get Pregnant and who birth? Like, uh, DUH, talk about not being able to put God, define Him into some rigid 'gender role' box, LOL.
see http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/6196225.stm?lsm
and see http://www.bio.davidson.edu/Courses/anphys/2000/Cook/Reproduction.htm
So, a diverse God like this, would NEED millions of 'artists' to reveal a 'bit' of His-Her MIRROR IMAGE, in each one of His created humans, male And female, you know...Cool Eh?
So, today, I am posting some pictures from the embroidery-art blogs, to lift you up today and well, to mention here that many of these women artists, you can see how nature influences their art-work/expression whatever type of art it may be...and you can see the Diversity in all of them...a bit of mirror image, quite fascinating really, and to see the Beauty of Female, whom God created in HIS-HER image--in each mirror image, well,
it's just like our Amazing God. And haters[and woman haters] can try to 'destroy' and 'suppress' and 'repress' and 'rob' the Female image from her--but you know something, God is much larger, than the lies of the misogynist soul destroyers out there and robbers out there...who try to deny God His rightful claim at being the Master Artist, Musician, Poet, you name it...[and who try to rob Women of their souls and their creative side]
you need inspiration, well He's the one to go to. Not only that, I found, HE don't mind sharing either, He's quite good, at giving Himself--if we just humbly seek Him, if we simply, take the time, to be quiet, to listen, to take notice....
click on the photos for the links of blogs -- because many of these blogs have numerous art works--for those w/o links, I'll post the link below the image--, OR just click the link to go the website-photos, doing this too to save time/space here...Enjoy. [all my photos are on another computer--that is not in operation, one day, I'll post them here, in meantime--others that I refer too]
One of my favorites, will list her, Gunnel's Blog, check photos out there...
and another one of my favorites, Kayla Coo, also on side bar...and Threadspinner's, another one of my favorites, also on side bar...look to the right of blog, under Seeing through the Eyes of Embroidery, all photos are listed in order of the three blogs...not sure if photo will send you to blog so wanted to make sure to link them with the rightful owner.
OK, so these are just three from a few of the art blogs I browse, that incorporate a lot of 'nature' into their work...now these are winter themes but if you scroll through their archives you'll see spring, fall, summer, and the beauty of branches, animals, trees, fields, mountains, oceans that inspire their work.
Now, for just some other photos, and I'll add more, later today [got to run here in bit so check back on this post this evening cuzz there will be lots more].
A good blog---where I also browse her links to other blogs--like the music and the nature photos--Sweet Cottage Dreams blog, see: http://sweetcottagedreams.blogspot.com/
This photos under title The Walk...it takes a bit for my computer for music to download.
links in order/photos following: binalshah.wordpress.com/.../
on God's use of Textures--http://webecoist.com/2008/09/07/17-amazing-examples-of-fractals-in-nature/
on some of God's diversity-rock, http://webecoist.com/2008/10/02/hdr-nature-and-landscape-photos/
[actually, Tons of nature/diverse nature photos there, check them out]
Stay tuned, more to come, I might do this series for whole week--as I have tons bookmarked, and time limited right now...until then,
I can't leave out Her gallery--her photography is amazing -- http://www.livehonestly.com/my-art-gallery.html
and her lifestyle--nature respectful IS an inspiration to me, truly admire this woman.
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining…
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining classic design with contemporary flair.
1 week ago
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