Well, One way--
is to be a wiser consumer--an ethical consumer. Another way, is to learn how to recycle, but not only recycle, how to RE=USE things, you might typically
throw away.
We hear all the time, re-use and recycle, but how many of us KNOW how to 're-use' and 'recycle'?
I'll give you an example, just this past month, I was cleaning out some old records. Now I had several, that I knew most likely I would not be able to get rid of. So, they've been sitting here,
and then, yesterday, I was browsing through Consumer Rebellion blog, and I saw this:
see how to's here: http://consumption-rebellion.blogspot.com/2009/04/rock-is-deadlong-live-paper-and.html
And then, This, from same blog [she's Brilliant btw, learning a lot reading her blog]
How to's here: http://consumption-rebellion.blogspot.com/2009/03/more-vinyl-record-crafting.html
Now, Who'd have thought you could do That?!!!!
So, then, last night, I'm cleaning out my 'stash' of beads and jewelry and junk, that I use for embroidery, and I have Tons, and really didn't want to hang onto any longer the metal jewelry, chains, etc., have way too much--so I thought,
hmmmm, maybe I could do something with them. But I really don't have the time, so I gathered what I know I won't use, this year, and am giving them away...but after I gathered them together I did some research, on using metals for mixed embroidery. I couldn't find many for embroidery, but I did find,
what they call 'Alt-Art', which one can use clay, woods, metals, paper, fabric, heck, Anything, and what these artists Do with these combinations is just awesome, from books to wall hangings to outdoor decor, you name it, they do it.
So, I am also, adding This today--its just one of many blogs, and I went ahead and posted it in a new 'blog' section, on the side bar, under How you Can recycle and create mixed medium art. The blog is: http://mixedmediamelange.blogspot.com/
I chose this blog because it shows a variety of different types of mixed media/mediums by different artists, so whether you have a lot of scrap booking materials [great for collages and it seems the big thing right now is reconstructing books], or if you use metals or jewelry, etc., this is a good starting place--on ideas of What to do, with all those extra's you may not use in your work--
these would also be good for teachers/homeschoolers, for community projects/group projects, so forth.
What is so great about these mixed mediums also is that Nothing is beyond re-use...AND its not just about creating 'junk' but real ART that one can use to decorate home or office. Some of these works go for quite a price in galleries, so,
with a little imagination, some inspiration and how-to's, who knows, even YOU can be, a Picasso! Later this month I will add some of the 'how-to's' blogs under the new section, to give you an idea of How to search...if you want to search now, I just put 'how to incorporate metals in mixed medium' or mixed medium paper art blogs...then I start searching from there.
IF no one picks up this bag of old jewels, which I do hope someone does, because I am not underestimating just how much 'stuff' I have and well if I work every single day--it still would take me about two years to use all that I have here, so hoping an alt-artist near me will take and enjoy [I'm giving them away--so don't have to do the whole sale thing, which is pain in butt anyway],
But if not, I think, this summer, I'll mesh them in bird houses and paint them. Or something--maybe some boxes, or something, not sure yet...I have seen how they used 'seashells' in clay and made boxes out of them. Bet you could do the same with old chains/jewels [that aren't in the best of shape] and paint them/plate paint or something...
anyway--just another way to Recycle, which is good, AND create works of art that can be given away as gifts or used in one's home or garden. I love the record-vases though, that is just Genius. Seriously Genius, and the Record Album 'gift' boxes--you know I bet you could cut up a lot of old record-cover albums too, collage/decoupage them and then make them into a book or journal cover, etc.
Anyway, IF you do decide to take up some projects like this, some advice, do your research first--so you know what materials to get, such as clays, etc., and if environmental safety is concern [and I hope it is] then do some research on the Indie-alt art blogs, on which things are not toxic or As toxic, etc., because these artists have been working on recycling for while, they know their stuff. I read a good article yesterday on Organic or Natural 'dyes',
many companies say 'natural' but they truly aren't, the mordants they use are highly toxic...I have found that many of the more informative sites on this topics are from the UK or from Australia, so its easier to look for blogs from those regions, saves you some time there.
Anyway, the more you know about the materials involved, i.e. what types of clays to use, glues, etc., you save money that way, since you aren't buying loads of things you may not need. Doesn't do any good to save income-consume less-and recycle if you are paying and buying for more prep materials than you need, etc. [I've gone though that, when learning decoupage, LOL, and the stores will sell you things you will never use--so you have to watch them, why its better to research first--Then shop for those prep-materials].
Also--see post below, I will be writing more on this, its too important to let fall by the wayside.
Till later,
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining…
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining classic design with contemporary flair.
1 week ago
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