cross posting my reply [on another blog] in response to Man's making God into his image since beginning of time AND what if Women could have written the Bible--been free to read and write, what would the Bible be like...
my reply:
Comment by Jane
January 22, 2010 @ 5:07 pm
Well, that’s just it isn’t it? No woman Wrote any part of the Bible,
which, dumping the Meth like poison of Religion and using common sense, we See that there is some deeply embedded Misogyny in Religions. No one asks, if its such a Shame for women to ’speak in the church’ then what the hell will Heaven be like? And all boys club with silent women as decor, or worse?
And why do women even pray or sing, if speaking is such a Disgrace? I say, don’t sing in church, sing in Bars where its NOT a disgrace, seriously, if one is going to follow the misogynist religions.
Been thinking on this a lot and the thing that kept coming back to me, for Those of you who have these good marriages, you all have one thing in common,
Education. IF, IF you had not that education and Only the Bible doctrines I don’t think you’d be so Enlightened…
there is a Reason they called the ‘religious ruled years’ the Dark Ages and the Science years, the Age of Enlightenment.
And it was that Enlightenment, when Human Rights became conscious—
not in the Dark Ages, where thousands of thousands of WOMEN were Butchered, by none other than
Like Meth, it’s toxic, it poisons the body, destroys the soul,and Both make sleepless slaves/sex slaves out of Women esp [Prov 31 is used like Meth to women]
but the difference is, Meth, horrible as it is, is easier, to ‘detox’ from than Religion.
And I think, the brain actually, damaged as it becomes on meth, probably has a better chance, of restoration–because religion with its fear of hell and rejection of question and the belief that human reasoning is evil [how convenient for the power apparatus eh] and that submission to ’self death martyrdom’ esp to women is the road to Heaven [or suicide bombing-not that different really] and the psychological FGMS and Burkas that ‘doctrines’ do to women,
no wonder, prozac doesn’t even work to free the religious soul–but will help, the ex Meth addict.
Ain’t it something…
if one doesn’t question these FACTS, then one obviously is denying the poisonous results, kind of like denying there is a cancer,
you can deny it, but it still kills ya.
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