I am cross posting this from CBE, where I replied, this morning...I am done writing on this in that topic section, but I will be, writing about HOW we can break out of Constructs here [without being legalistic] and Be Different, and not support, the lies that harm so many women...and yes, it Does call for Revolution, a Revolution of Love, that is, yes, a call to be different, to live differently, to not be a part, of the culture of power and beauty that kills the hearts and souls of so many. It IS, yes, a Sacrifice--a lonely, often times, painful life--but true Love, is more, than just knowing about suffering, it is Laying down, one's life, and that yes, includes, the affirmation of men and culture. To please God and not men, not in a sanctimonious pious unforgiving way, no, but in a humble way--not drawing Attention to one's self [the other extreme of culture/anti-culture] but do be more Conscious, of how our getting our 'needs' is often at the expense of others or contributing to such belief systems. These changes are Radical in that they are NOT the status quo, and you Do stand out--especially when its breaking OUT of Gender and Beauty Constructs. But if done in the Heart of Love, Mercy and knowing that God alone is our Goodness, in His Grace, our forgiveness and that forgiveness of others, so they might See and Change, not just 'hear sermons' then, well, yea, that IS
Comment by Jane
February 7, 2010 @ 1:27 pm
Revolution! Why is it, the call to Change, is always referred to as Violent Revolution, in the Burke way? In other words, to Radically CHANGE LIFESTYLE is to always be deemed as wrong, why we should always not offend the STATUS QUO, [and has always been used to urge people to go along with, to not ruffle feathers or rock the boat too much--but in all searching, HOW much of this, is truly, to preserve one's own tail? To be affirmed by men, more than by God? A question we all have to ask ourselves time to time.
whisper silently yet with COMPROMISE. Always the compromises, and the Thing ABOUT COMPROMISE, is eventually the ones who have NO FEAR OF GOD -- misery will drive them, and THEY will, resort to, Yes, VIOLENCE.
We always hear about forgiveness and kindness and soft whispers, AGREED, we ARE to do those things, to work for change in those small ways, but OH how we so forget, that Jesus
did NOT tip toe into the Temple and whisper to the money changers and say, uh, please change, please simply allow a corner here, in the House of God, for real prayer, for real sanctification to God, please.
I mention the Decolonization of minds, the changing of our [women] desire for the Affirmation of Males, there are Numerous scriptures that say the same, and it then becomes, revolution?!
Yes, I am CALLING for a Revolution among women, a Revolution of ACTION and not just talking around or about the issues, but a Change in our Life that requires yes, SACRIFICE. For other women, because that IS what LOVE does.
To Forsake the rudiments of the world, the compliments of MEN, to not blend under the LIE of compromise the ‘oh we include inner beauty now and then’ when we know, that is NOT the case, across the board.
A Revolution where Godly Women show forth Good Works, not beauty. Where Godly Women are not afraid to stand and be Different, from the ’standards’ of the world, of culture Including the assimilation of culture in the church. Yes it IS revolution, it IS radical, and it IS, a revolution of Love.
But, I suppose that the Delilah spirit is taken hold of too many women, sad to say, and the eyes of Sampson forget, that God is the strength, not beauty and not power.
You say we are to talk and teach, Agreed, but What better way to teach, than by Example, by NOT compromise and agreeing with the ’standards’ or playing with, simply because we Don’t want to come across as too Revolutionary or Too radical, oh no, no John the Baptist calls here, locust and honey, why People would think we are Crazy, right? No setting forth and working in our lives to be Different, to do more than just, oh we “know” about these things, but to Altar our Behaviors, even our Need for ’self esteem’ so that,
others may Live. May see…life.
God is Merciful, long in forbearance and kind, and Yes, we are to ALWAYS KNOW THIS AND BE PATIENT,
but Being Patient, is not the Same, as Compromise in this self deceptive way that is Really about, our inner desire to be affirmed, because Beauty is Power, and who wants to be sackcloth and ashes,
I will leave this, all I wrote in God’s hands, He knows my heart, as well as the struggles, what I see and what you see and so forth,
but for Me, personally, I lived for so many years, desiring to be affirmed, and rejected in churches for NOT fitting the beauty ideal, for so many years I deep inside my heart hated God for not making me a Rachel but a Leah instead and no where was I reminded of this so much, AS I WAS, AMONG GOD’S PEOPLE, THE CHURCHES. In the Christian culture.
And I know I am not alone, when younger, when a man would tell me I was attractive, in any body part way, I would succumb. I know the Damage, that these beliefs cause, and God does too.
Years later I would see even further the Damage they cause not just a ‘few women’ but millions, and how many believe, if they aren’t what is aesthetic, they are, truly Weeds,
and even, Spiritual Weeds.
You become what you THINK and BELIEVE you are, but God is more powerful, than the LIES of men and women. His Grace reached me but the Damage, would take Years to undo…
I will NOT succumb to the beauty culture anymore or the gender culture or any of the other Herod lies, I will NOT dance,
the dance of Salome, Daughter of Herodias – nor will I be a supporter of other Dancers and Culture of such,
and yes, I suppose, THAT would be, Revolutionary.
But I believe, it is More than revolutionary, but that it is truly Mercy, in Action, and not just word,
because Mercy, Love, does NOT rejoice in iniquity, nor does it, take part it, or join with, just to not appear too radical. To defy culture norms, etc., to break out of constructs,
its one thing to ’speak’ about the harms, its quiet another, to make a Decision, to LIVE CONTRARY, TO THE CULTURE THAT IS ALL ABOUT PERPETUATING THE HARMS.
And yes, that Is
In love, solidarity,
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