I saw this today and well, I had to go ahead and post it because I have recalled it a time or two and while discussing animal kingdoms with my daughter this evening, it came to my mind again.
Earlier today while browsing the blogs I read on Savvy Housekeeping the How to Create a Romantic Valentine's Bedroom. Well, romance isn't like a part of my life in that way so you know I just sort of had that yea, yea, like Whatever, lot of trouble just for a one night, I know, the always pessimist, but you know if you've had asshole men literally Kill any thing Remotely 'romantic' in you then you understand, like, its thank God there is no marriage in Heaven, like some of us have moved on to other things. So anyway, yea the pictures are nice and I like the lights in the second one [but Why just for a man? seriously, why don't women do this for themselves WITHOUT THE MAN, why does it take a man for Women to do beautiful things to their bedrooms????] ah but anyway, so here is the first picture on the Savvy Housekeeping blog today,
which yea, is nice, I guess, not really my thing with the whole heart in middle, personally I like the whole bed outdoors type of thing, myself but then I'm a nature fanatic. Which btw, a woman I knew who worked with Budgie Birds [I do some small scale parrot rescues/adoption/advocacy, not as much as I used to] and well anyway, she had this Awesome gazebo outdoors, Japanese style with a bed and all, totally open except for a canopy/made with bamboo-and netting, now That I thought, was romantic, to be able to sleep in a bed at night while watching the stars...and I never have seen anything as remotely even close to that romantic, a place where you could write or read or just sit and watch the birds then nap if you like. But again, I'm a bit weird like that, maybe avid readers and loners are, who knows,
so anyway I read over briefly the article and I liked the one photo with the lights draped over the bed, because I like lights anyway--then I went on to read what the others had to say,
and then, LOL, I saw This on Towards Sustainability blog and just busted out laughing:
Now THAT fellow readers, is a VALENTINE'S BED!!!
And GOD made it, so, uh,
Designers, move over cuzz you ain't got Nothing on Him, LOL.
But, the poor bugs, lol, bet they didn't know they'd be photographed and their uh, little meeting of the shells, put on display for all to see,
Ah, but it was just Too cute, to not post, and well, God has the right idea, kind of like the gazebo bed--
to heck with linear, its better outdoors.
In solidarity,
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Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless built-in desk medium tone wood floor
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Vaunn Medical
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