Somehow, some way I'm going to figure out a way to add something to this blog, a Campaign Alert section [maybe going to another forum, I could do on on MSN or Yahoo?] and just share what I get, from various organizations, on ways to help, like right now, there is a letter writing campaign to the President to change the way Foreign Aid is distributed so that the poorest of the poor, Women and Children, people in Rural areas, actually Get funds/micro-loans, etc.
Work of Women [WOW] is part of World Concern, which IS top rated, on the Charity Watch. I had seen another women sponsor ship that was Christian, but until they are rated on the Charity Watch, I will avoid. One Christian [well know] organization that was supposed to be feeding the hungry, etc [I won't mention name, but its on Charity Watch, the report] I had some occasions supported. Now I will say, that during the former Yugoslavia war, they did send me a great package for education to help the women of Bosnia, and I remember that--I still have one of the videos. It saddens me, to read the critical findings, fraud charges, and so forth--I don't know if they are true or not, or if its political conspiracy [due to it they being Christian--yea too many reading in past conspiracy theories, lol] so I just sort of leave it in God's hands--I know Money corrupts, and what we humans are capable of, why Monitors ARE good and Necessary, not just for the giver, but really, for the one in the relief/work where there is lots of monies involved, helps to keep it accountable.
So anyway, while I would love to post here the Christian sponsorship of women, I won't until they are cleared, through the monitor projects, because it seems to me, that the sponsorship programs are where a lot of your fraud derives from--it's to easy to collect monies from fifty people for one person and keep the rest--NOW that isn't always the case though, Compassion International IS one of the Top Rated, so its hard to tell, why I added the Charity Watch to the blog [on blog bar], so,
I guess bottom line, just because it has the title Christian on it, don't mean squat.
OK then, enough yada yada talking to myself here...what I liked about the WOW was the issues that are related to the poverty of women and their focus on working to campaign for those as well. It doesn't do a squat of good to give out monies yet support policies that keep women pregnant, dependent on marriage esp when the status of women is poor and widows are notoriously impoverished at young ages with ten kids, and where they are also, by large [due to discrimination] illiterate, can't get work, farm in places where land is not available or weather not good, etc., e.g. Bangladesh,
so there needs to be more done, than just the occasional hand out. NOT that those aren't needed mind you, but to Rid of poverty or to Lesson poverty, it will take more than that.
So that is what I look for, while these organizations may not be spreading the Gospel [and those other Christian titled relief that aren't monitored might not be either, title means nothing], the thing is,
we have a Duty, to give, to Care, to Do something, WITHOUT CONDITIONS. God is a big enough God, that HE can work, through OUR giving/life giving, to reach people.
So, right now, there is that campaign, and there are others, I do support the ratification of CEDAW [though the religious right wing is notorious against it--one reason I really am not a 'fan' of that whole culture] and I do support Reproductive Rights-Education, not necessarily population 'Control', something about that Control just wreaks 'eugenics' to me, China's police is a real Turn off as far as I'm concerned, my issue with that was always, IF population is needed to be slowed down, then BY GOLLY, STERILIZE THESE DANG MEN, STOP RIPPING THE WOMBS OF WOMEN...
that is where you see a lot of the misogyny and Blatant Hypocrisy in far left ideologies where That is concerned. The state never has issues with controlling women's bodies, either forcing them to be pregnant or forcing them not to be, but where men are concerned, its always a hands off approach, I say, Screw that, get out those vasectomy knives baby.
OK then, blah blah blah--LOL, sorry, one of my pet peeves there,
OK then, well, go over the website--and I will be adding here some more on this, I want to begin with picking up, the people living in dumps globally and Why that is, and I want to start there, with Bangladesh. Because they are one if not the poorest regions of the world, there has been tons of monies given, but the problems have not improved that much, Particularly for women.
So--check back, I will be writing as soon as I can...doing some research right now. I want you to look at this, hit the Enter button
this is how thousands of women live, in Bangladesh. [on his gallery, click also the drug use in Bangladesh]--
anyway...that is what I will be picking up on here, next post, because I am reading about the rural poverty, farms/monsoons, type of land, status of women is HUGE problem. There are some micro loans BUT they are discriminatory against the poor [women] OR they will exploit women, its complex, not only that, but in one paper I read written By a man who is from there, he said that the 'uber' rich will flaunt their wealth to the have nots, that there isn't a buffer like in other countries [middle] and that how poverty is there is not like in west, so a lot of informative, yet depressing information there, I'm weeding through.
Bangladesh btw has Horrid child slavery--and I will be posting some info about Companies here, that do work with child slavery in Bangladesh, I know, the Carpet industry [carpet weaving] is Notorious for this, as shoes and I found, one company, for baby clothes. So, will be writing about that too, and calling for a BOYCOTT of those COMPANIES.
OK I go to read, check back later.
In solidarity, peace, and love,
Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
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Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
and a light wood floor.
Orientation Pev
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