I responded on another blog about marriage, the Ideal verses the Reality, and I am cross posting this here, because of it's relation to the posts below, on Poverty. Jane
I don’t think its cynical,
I’ve given this a LOT of thought and cynical would be the belief that there is no redemption anywhere, and I don’t believe that. But I don’t, believe that marriage is a Garden of Eden either, or even representative of, hardly…
I think marriage is a necessity, sadly, for the survival of humanity and also the sadly the destruction of, due to over population, status of women, stripping resources and so forth. A necessity for yes, fallen mankind, or what have you…
it’s a ’slight’ step above hedonism, I suppose [but not that much] and I think that pretty much, the rules of marriage were really more about men not betraying other men, not for women’s human rights, hardly. The IDEAL yes, is a good one, where God’s design is and all that, a Romantized Ideal, for sure…
but that is just it, that is an IDEAL, ideals are not tangible nor realistic. The thing about the whole concept of returning to Eden,
could be said to be Identical to Marx’s whole theory on communism, same ends, just using different means, what they term as Utopia, and in fact, Marx used that same argument, return to the Garden of Eden. [and we saw where That ended]
But I find it interesting, that the whole Garden of Eden is always, centered around ‘male interests’ [there ARE exceptions, not all men follow this way of thinking].
It’s not about being cynical but being PRAGMATIC. I think there’s a huge difference. Using reason rather than Emotion,
the whole religious framework for marriage is centered around EMOTION, but the reality is, people don’t function out of EMOTION only–
they function more out of Need. I guess a good question would be, do our emotions derive from our ‘needs’ or do they drive them? [don't know, haven't concluded that one yet].
And I believe God was and is Pragmatic as well, why he set the framework or boundaries, because HE knew, the IDEAL was just that, an IDEAL,
Paul, obviously knew, why he said, you’d have trouble in the flesh and virgins, better to stay single. I think Paul was a realistic man, who saw the world for what it was…the only thing that I DID question,
was the one part in Eph where it says [or maybe its Peter] that God would hinder the prayers of men who don’t love their wives, etc.,
but the Thing is, men who abuse/are selfish [goes for women too] don’t Give a rats ass if God answers their prayers or not–and that really hurts the women more anyway, because then the frustration filters down, you know, the whole TRICKLE DOWN THEORY, so why would God do something that TRICKLES DOWN TO THE ALREADY ABUSED/POWERLESS/EXPLOITED WOMAN?
He wouldn’t, not if he’s a just and good God so that Had to mean, that God doesn’t Honor those marriages and Why would That be,
because they are nothing more than prostitution, with a piece of paper, hardly the Ideal of Garden of Eden.
I think God had a lot of IDEALS but that don’t mean they necessarily are REALITY. And so, why then do we peddle Ideals and especially rub salt into wounds,
when obviously, the REALITY is not so, not just in church but ALL OVER THE WORLD? AND not just that the IDEAL don’t measure up to this whole SOS-love fest marriage that so many are putting out there [for a buck or two of Course!], but the IDEAL, and keeping Infrastructures, to FORCE the IDEAL, such as, Refusing women reproductive rights, is
The IDEAL don’t cut it, we Hang on to the IDEALS to the expense of MILLIONS,
people with no food and no clean water and no medical and kids living in filth and squalor and disease and abuse with NO HOPE, ok, I mean NO HOPE,
and for What?
That’s what for, and then to have the Gall to then proclaim, Love and Love for the World.
It’s bunk, I”m sorry but its pure unadulterated bunk. And maybe that is why the Second Commandment was NOT
improve thy marriage and sprinkle roses on the marriage bed
And those Women and Children, in Every Single Study on Poverty and Exploitation they all had ONE THING IN COMMON, WOMEN’S STATUS DEPENDENT ON THE ECONOMIC AND FUNCTION OF SEXUAL SERVICE /CHILDBEARING IN ‘MARRIAGE’.
SO, uh, Something is Wrong with this IDEAL, you know and its not Good enough to just leave it with the whole ‘oh well people don’t obey God’, yada yada,
NOOOOOO, something is Wrong with the whole IDEAL of society functions better with this nuclear family and marriage and that whole way of thinking,
because Obviously, it doesn’t, when Women break OUT of those marriage CHAINS AND THE ECONOMICS THAT ARE WRAPPED UP IN THE DEPENDENCE,
the quality of life goes UP in society, not the reverse.
And this was what Marx also predicted and he was right…in Every single society where women’s Role [enforced by State] is Marriage, the level of poverty IS EXTREME AS WELL AS THE ABUSES TO WOMEN AND CHILDREN.
I don’t believe that is Cynical, no, I believe, that is looking at the World with our eyes wide open, and leaving the rose colored glasses, behind.
And while we may not have the level of Poverty in this nation compared to others, the FACTS are, the Number one Impoverished in THIS COUNTRY,
OR who are Widowed.
Marriage = Subjugation of Women for Sex = Economic Dependency,
it’s related to the foundations of SLAVERY and the IDEAL, is just that, an IDEAL,
but that IDEAL, is killing, thousands, in more ways than one.
That’s all I’m saying…
Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
and a light wood floor.
Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
and a light wood floor.
Orientation Pev
4 hours ago
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