My uncle, who for years suffered horrible emotional pain, from child abuse...from my Grandmother and I from my own Mother...who also suffered abuse at the hands of Grandmother. My uncle whose only son was murdered by a drunk driver when he was in his early twenties just starting his life. My uncle who gave so much love to those he would let near...but who also lived in the wilderness-desert because he felt more at home with nature and animals and his wife also due to the horrible pain from child abuse. My uncle who tried to save me from the abuse I went through but couldn't thanks to Legal laws regarding guardianship/education. My uncle who was the Only one in my family who reached out to me and helped when I was homeless even though he had no money of his own [my brother helped once but he was in Navy and out to sea so he couldn't]. My uncle who had lung cancer and suffered from pain, who here recently accepted Jesus Christ as his savior--but not religion, because as a child he suffered horrible abuse that was Protected and Sanctioned by none other than Religion and the Catholic school him and my mother attended also was not 'nurturing' to children, my uncle who knew like I did the hell a survivor of horrid RA abuse and abuse from a Woman does as well as a father who abandons. My uncle who found his own path to believing...who like a child returned to innocence and love without the lies and bondage and fake Christianity...
my uncle who in so much pain died on Monday, August 9, leaving behind a wife and a niece and nephew who Still live with the family iniquity of child abuse, occultism, ritual abuse and horrible religious abuse.
My uncle who refused the doctrines of men and traditions of men and got baptized in a river near the desert by his own Wife...after he read the book of Acts.
My uncle who has inspired me to continue believing what I believe and value and to hell with the abuse protectors and power mongers and whore mongers--who create victims and who assassin and deconstruct souls through violence.
My uncle who has showed me that though broken we can still love and that Jesus knows, and my uncle who now doesn't not hurt anymore, who does not grieve anymore, who is alright and like he did when I was a small child smiles down at me and says, hang in there, it will soon be over for you's pretty good up here, and you know, it's all a mind game and it's all bullshit and don't let them get you down.
To my uncle, I love you, and I will honor you with the rest of my life here...and the antelopes do talk to us don't they?
In love, your niece,
no matter how many basements or locked rooms they close us in and beatings and rapes and work kills to our soul they do to us--they cannot and do not win, we Live, we Survive, and we Love and Are Loved,
for eternity....see you up there some day Uncle Stacy. See you up there...till then, I'll look to hear from your love being sent in the desert among the aloe and bobcats.
Inspired by the powerful language of Pinterest, The House That A-M Built
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Inspired by the powerful language of Pinterest, The House That A-M Built
offers a confident English network like no other.
2 hours ago
that was so moving..
What a wonderful tribute!
I'm sorry for your loss.
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