Following are excerpts form stegl.org retrieved from a web archiving service (remember “GL” stands for “Girl Lovers,” and ”LG” stands for “Little Girls.”) The first excerpts are this guy’s reports of events he’s attended in his quest to assault and prey on girls.
''Although the guy is an atheist, he states at one point on his website that he’s come to have a fondness for Christians, in that churches are such a great place for practicing preying on, and targeting, little girls".
…The next stop was Viewcrest Assembly of God … They had a musical act doing sort of Christian rock, and there were many LGs present… There were enough people here that I don’t think I stuck out as an unaccompanied man, and a LG of about 6 or 7 even sat next to me (we were so close that her legs occasionally touched mine…). There were a few cute LGs that I would rank in the 7 or 8 range on the 1-10 scale, and the Easter Bunny seemed to flirt with one.
There were many cars in the lot, and I saw some children inside as I drove around the building. I parked and studied an ad I had for it, but couldn’t muster the nerve to try entering because the whole scene looked too juvenile for an unaccompanied man to be loitering at–and I thought the odds were good that they either would turn me away at the entrance, kick me out after a few minutes, or call the cops to come and check on my sex offender status. … This was my third visit to this roller rink, and like the previous two, it didn’t disappoint. …There were a few LGs that I rated above-average on the 1-10 cuteness scale, but my favorite (a girl I’ve seen here before) came with her father, so I didn’t get a chance to flirt with her. With the increase of Misogynist Patriarchy-a.k.a. Gender Roles in the church culture it is VITAL THAT WOMEN ARE INFORMED because these gender roles and the indoctrination into the whore-virgin dichotomy using SCRIPTURE is going and HAS BEEN creating and PROTECTING AN ENVIRONMENT THAT IS FRIENDLY TO CHILD RAPISTS.
read the rest here: http://www.womensspace.org/phpBB2/2007/04/09/war-on-little-girls-woman-hating-sex-predators-seattle-girl-love-website-was-legal/
In solidarity against all forms of violence against women,
p.s. photo from:
bitmob.com BTW a NOTE on the Warrior Women Photos,
I chose this one Only because it was one of the Few that the character [female] had Clothes on...one thing that just annoys the hell out of me is to look for photo images of female warriors and they are 98% all porn-fertility-war goddess images, that look like the male fantasy fuck dream of a killer patriarch man that has the body of woman--in other words, they appeal to MEN. Therefore I select the ones that at least, have Some clothes on, that at least Look a bit more serious as a Warrior and not some naked female mud wrestler with sword. As any woman who knows the martial arts [either directly or indirectly] NO warrior goes around half naked, it's stupid, dangerous, and well, just ridiculous. Especially with a Sword--
the Christian depictions I can't take seriously either, they are way too virginal and they don't even know how to Hold a Sword, much less fight with one. So they are just AS insulting as the naked porn versions...
this is one of the reasons I do reject the whole 'goddess' fertility/war image, that is co-part with the gods of war, and Why any Serious feminist would lean towards those 'false empowered' images and belief systems thinking that the whole pro-whore sex with violence is the counter of patriarchy and sexual violence, is Beyond me--
maybe one day, Women will dump the whole 'have to be a desirable fuck image' along with being powerful/able to combat, and we will see images of Women as Human Beings who IF they are Warriors are taken SERIOUSLY AS WARRIORS,
One slash by another sword on a Naked leg or stomach would be the End of her--how Stupid it is, really--that is Why, MEN in the days of SWORD FIGHTING USED STEEL ARMOR--GEE GET A CLUE FEMINISTS [AND GAMERS], but obviously the PORNSTERS AND PRO-PROSTITUTES AND THE WHOLE 'BEING DEBASED AND NOTHING MORE THAN A 'HOLE' IS EMPOWERING 'LIE' THAT SO MANY WOMEN HAVE BOUGHT INTO has taken over even the Feminist Amazon Warrior World--
maybe One day, the Real Feminists, will Kick their silly pro-come fuck me hither I'm just a fuck toy asses OUT of the warrior world against violence, and then WE women, will be taken SERIOUSLY....
This is also the reason, for you Christian Readers out there, that I do not sugar coat or hide the Violence that is yes, in Misogyny and Sexual Violence, IF you are ignorant of what Really goes on in the world of Prostitution, if you have bought into the Lie that the Concubines in the Bible were just 'mistresses', or that those girls taken captive in war and forced into sex slavery/wife in B.C. times [including Bible] or in current times, e.g., under Islam [yes sex slavery of captive women is still legal and there are Christian girls taken captive and raped till they are soul dead or dead in Egypt and in Pakistan] if you have Bought into the lie that it's just about 'paying for sex', or that these women aren't DESTROYED for PERMANENT, then you need to Read here:
I do NOT sugar coat, I do NOT kiss the asses of misogynists nor do I white wash the Truth...MEN do not CARE nor give a DAMN ABOUT A WOMAN'S PAIN OR GIRLS PAIN when they are Raping and Torturing her--nor do they CARE WHEN THEY SUPPORT THEIR 'BROTHERS' WHO COMMIT THESE HUMAN RIGHT CRIMES AND THEY ARE, YES, HUMAN RIGHT CRIMES,
if you don't think they are Human Right Crimes then you still have the mindset that Women are NOT human, that they are just sperm recepticles or what have you--if That be the case, then well, I pray you get a Human conscious that yes, Women are live, breathing, human beings, not just baby chattel or male cum dumps or penis ashtrays.
And though I like to use the depiction of a woman with sword to relay the heart of the issue here, meaning, I'd like to take a sword and cut the root and the perps asunder who commit these atrocities against women/girls/and children--I am also well aware of the whole 'let's not be too radical and well we don't want men to 'reject' us so we'll show them we're still a desirable fuck--mentality' that yes sadly has taken over in the feminist world [and I do blame the whole goddess and sex goddess beliefs for this nonsense] but anyhow--doesn't mean I hate men or sex, just means, I am a firm believer that women are More than just the 'other' or 'penis ashtrays' and the whole phallic worship, is just so overrated and so old and so needs to Go. Period.
image of what Real [or close to real] women-warriors [back in the day, this is an image in movie but it's closer to real than what is Usually depicted] link:
and the Usual image one finds when looking for women-warriors,
and This one, is listed under AMAZON, I mean, can YOU take this seriously? I sure the hell can't, one hit on the breast and she will fall down and crumble, no Wonder MEN don't take women seriously--maybe lesbians like this crap but I think it's insulting to the whole Amazon Women Warrior movement [that is Supposed to be about ending patriarchy but looks more like just exchanging the male penis rapist with the lesbian rapist, what's the difference, really? SHE is still objectified, just my little rant there but hey--Somebody got to say it--and this is what you get with the whole pro-sex prostitution-porn supporters women are sex goddesses garbage--which Sadly has taken hold of our young women's culture--it's no wonder our young women feminists, many of them, the equivalent of the submissive woman who says yes sir to her master-rapist husband thinking it glorifies God--and then tells other women that This is the glorious route to Womanhood- I mean Good Grief, meanwhile both pro-Patriarchal Constructs aid in the establishing and protecting the entire global labyrinth hell that enslaves women/girls and is the Fuel and Institution of trafficking, sex slavery and bondage of women, go figure--and Mostly, the Majority of these patriarchal whore-virgin dichotomy images from none other than the CHRISTIAN West--the base for the entire Porn industry/militarized rape and all the other misogynist woman hating Bael and Ashtoreth garbage the West spews out]
In solidarity,
do you have any statistics about rape in Christian (particularly fundamental) groups? About child rape and child porn in Christian groups?
A year or so ago Hannah posted a u-tube link on her site where Caryn Burton says the top profession for perpetrating domestic violence is clergy. I have been hunting for the stats to back this up, but cannot find them.
The perps coming to church to find LGs is scary!! And gross! It turns my stomach. I remember as a LG not wanting to sit next to men. I could sense when they were evil and did my best to avoid them. I remember avoiding walking past a man even though I needed to go to the bathroom--badly! And that man was supposed to be a Christian!
Greetings and Peace to you Waneta..hi,
you know, there Are a lot of stats on the one site I referred to, though it is a very hostile to religious site--But, because it's Objective rather than Subjective, and it is a site that keeps track of all cases/court of child abuse, rape, etc., done under the sanction of Religion [not just Christianity though the focus is mostly on that due to it being in west] therefore the Numbers-Stats are good because they are recorded...
and that site I posted about under the ritual child abuse by Evangelicals in Africa, so that one is a good one for starters, though be Sure to really pray up before reading, so that the enemy don't come in and use it as an Accusation against Jesus-the true Body of Christ, because the stats are so many and horrific the enemy will try to come in and provoke hate against God, and WE know, it's NOT really God-Jesus but Satan that is behind these crimes and that he is using false prophets--Paul said we are not ignorant of his devices--we war not against flesh and blood, etc., so that I want to really stress, because for me, as an RA/under umbrella and long iniquity of Religious abuse mixed with Satanism, I had a really bad time with Triggers on these issues--so God has been showing me how to do Warfare against the triggers and the Provocations.
OK, that site is: http://www.perrybulwer.com/
to the right, you see religion child abuse, child sacrifice [near bottom], etc., she has stats/actual cases all across nation-world, why it's a good reference [though sad] to use to have actual EMPIRICAL DATA, not just hearsay, because she uses actual court cases, etc, arrests, so forth.
And there ARE some stats on the Domestic Violence but I'll have to find them--again they are on secular and they count the numbers in Shelters that are religious..and I know I've read that the Majority of women In domestic violence shelters ARE from religious homes. Also Danni Moss's site had some stats too, that site is: http://dannimoss.wordpress.com/about/
Now I'll check with Heart over at Women's Space as she might have some stats as well,
yea, it's Good to have Empirical Data and not just debate over scripture--data doesn't lie, nor do images [photos], etc., and the more Women are informed as to HOW these criminals and misogynist [women haters] work and the constructs used to keep us off guard, the better we can protect our selves/children from environments [or avoiding them altogether] that are conducive to protecting these human right crimes.
In the meantime, I'll do some number stats research later today.
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