First of all, my sympathy, thoughts and prayers to all the people of Japan.
Secondly, in light of the nuclear plant meltdowns, the reactors and possible meltdown of one reactor in particular that from what I've read uses Mox fuel, which is plutonium and uranium, taking from breaking down/recycling old weapons, etc., that we do not KNOW the potential effects in case of meltdown--the use of Mox Fuel has been debated in the nuclear community, etc., and from the After the fact reporting and what I deem as poor reporting by many of the local media, which I realize is possibly due to not wanting to spread panic...I also am a Firm believer in the media being a controlled gov., outlet to Control masses, not to aid the masses and their use of Disinformation, well leaves a lot to be desired, SO
due to the fact that we don't often See scientific or Survivalist knowledge on Feminist blogs, and due to the FACT that yes, we ARE in a very real dangerous possible radioactive fallout, I felt it necessary, at least my Duty, to share here, what I've been reading on numerous Alternative News Sites, to women readers.
I want to post first, a few links that All women Should read, these are scientific, informative, and will need to be read carefully [not skimmed over] and whether or not one Uses the information, it IS information that Could very well, SAVE YOUR LIFE.
The first link I want to post is on what to do in case of radioactive fallout:
their homepage:
On Potassium Iodine tablets:
On emergency kits for Women: [some extra info however these are Survivalist tips, they should be in Every woman's knowledge library.
special needs Including Children & Pets:
[note, on the ki4u site there is a huge segment on animal and land-farming care, IF you have animals, lifestock,
or garden this is a MUST read and Know]
FOR WOMEN: [basics prep]
pregnant women:
on You Tube but good info, Several Informative Survival Easy to watch, also several the sides--these videos include IF you are caught without home, out in nature, walking, living on backpack-tent, etc.
for Women by a Woman, you tube:
look to the side, she has Several broadcasts so be Sure to check them all out. I chose her because she wasn't part of the fundie-Nazi type of groups who use women as their 'shields', another topic another time...though Yea some of their survival info IS good, I refuse to have to sit through their guns and racist hate bullshit and dick worship kaka so--I am working Around using those sites.
To the Side of my blog here, if you scroll down the bars, I have already posted Several good survivalist [women owned] sites as well as Self Sufficiency sites, Also,
if you Don't watch already, Discover Channel, has also on You Tube, their Survivor Man sites [I HIGHLY recommend him and the Man Vs Wild sites]. Here's WHY I recommend them,
the fundie survivalist sites focus a lot on Food storage, gun and ammo storage, hunkering down, etc., Here's the Problem I have with those, it's quite simple, IF in a national emergency, when masses of people are looking for food, IF they see a farm or place where someone is hunkered down, I don't care HOW many guns and crap they have, they'll be fighting a Mob--not smart, not only that, Some of these folks plaster their survival 'storage' on the web, another STUPID idea, and last but not least--storage, won't do you Any good if there is a type of emergency where your storage supplies are contaminated or burn down, etc., that and they can Run out.
I prefer to Learn how to Live off what Nature has, such as living Off the land, in worst case scenario, including Medicines...for example, did you Know that back in the old days, they used spider webs, for bandages? Things like this Can save your life, knowing what Plants are edible, what bugs provide protein...
and don't think this isn't good to know, in Cambodia, or maybe it's Laos, I recall reading about people who are Still in danger of persecution from government who have for Years been surviving living in the jungles, living off of tree bark and certain plants. IT isn't comfortable by no means, but They are still alive and have been hiding out for their very lives for YEARS, so that says to me, that it's Far more important to learn how to live off of nature, what SHE provides, than hunkering down building a Army of combatants...that in of itself, IS a violent patriarchal atmosphere for women--and in those environments violence, male violence against women Increases, not decreases. So I prefer to Stay away from those types and sure as hell would avoid them in case of Emergency.
Also for this reason, I think it's very important, in Urban areas especially, for Women to begin to work in joining Forces With other women, including for Protection. This is one area I feel the anarchist feminists have done a lot of Good work in [serious anarchist women...not the it's cute to be Suicide Girl types], so I'll post some of more info here as well, starting with
she has some good things on her survivalist blog [nature friendly]
OK last for today, a Woman's Survival Blog, now on the discussion forums, I just skip over all the Religious and Patriarchal cheerleading stuff--not for me,
but if you scroll down, there are on the discussion lists some Really good, informative Survivalist topics, with Detailed lists. Now they appear to be mostly for those who are bunkering down on homestead, NOT an option for many in urban areas OR those who do not own homes, such as myself....However,
the detailed survival kit lists, ARE good, so I am including this link:
This is it for today, I will be adding to this series all this week,
In solidarity,
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