1} Chemical FGMs [though they are 'illegal' if Muslims do this physically, just legal if Psychiatrists do this Chemically to Thousands of young girls in this nation through forced drugging AND to grown women]
2} Forced Sterilizations of both men and women through forced drugging [one of THE main side effects of almost ALL psychotropic drugs, which last even After discontinued, sometimes for years]
3} Brain Damage and Atrophy, permanent through the process of Chemical Lobotomy/Restraint, particularly in heavy long term use of psychotropics
4} Death, directly caused by psychotropics, be it suicide from withdrawals or drugs no longer working + brain damage permanent, violence caused by psychosis as result of drugs [these cases are increasing], and physical damage caused by side effects from liver and kidney shut down to heart failure, etc.
So, the more children/women and youth and men forced onto drugs either through courts or through detentions/hospitals/military, the more wind up castrated, sterilized, brain damaged, body damaged, or mental illness as a Result of brain damage that leads to violence towards others in society or towards themselves....
and of course, the System makes BANK KA$$$CHING off of the PLANNED SOCIAL ENGINEERING 'HOLOCAUST' off of citizens, of all races, as well as
clever POPULATION CONTROL [HOLOCAUST] of certain Segments of society, those Undesirables, while making Profit off of slavery -- producing a Generational Data Base of Damaged families-communities that can be later exploited for thus same, while maintaining the Status Quo of Elitism and Hoarding Resources for the Elites. Easy to do, just get rid of the competition and their offspring while making profit off of them at same time....
and of course, having a little sexual rape fun-porn fun at the expense of broken bodies,
sounds like Ancient Rome to me, doesn't it you? By focusing Only on white mothers losing children in family courts, we lose the battle, because the Racketeers are strong because the SLAVE MASSES being killed off slowly are
DIVIDED. Divided interests, blaming the other, etc., and this of course, is part of the strategy of the Colonizers-Murderer's, this is Why they do NOT WANT White mothers and Black mothers and Brown mothers marching together,
why they do NOT want those fighting the Family Court Whores standing in solidarity with those fighting the Criminal Court Whores and Penal System Whores and Rapists and Slave Masters...
When this changes, when the People see who they are manipulated by clever marketing of emotions...then they will have the Power to Take Down the Giants.
Not until then....
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