This is why I left the socialist left [including socialist feminism] and [liberal feminism] because this is the garbage,
they support. Their insistent support of Hamas, their insistent hate of Israel, their insistent refusal and indifference to the horrors done to women/girls in Islam, under cultural relativism,
is why...I came back to Jesus Christ...[but not to the right wing, sorry, all gov are under the influence of Satan, the Beast today]
here you go, the future if we don't stand against evil.
Friday, August 7, 2009
450 (child) Brides for 450 (Islamic) Brothers?
Well, I had decided to end the blog when the website subscription ran out, but I find myself so angry about this situation I have to write.WHAT KIND OF NUTTINESS IS THIS? In the Gaza Strip, HAMAS holds a mass wedding to rival that of Sun Myung Moon. But to Moon's credit, at least the women involved WERE WOMEN! But these are LITTLE GIRLS! I don't know who to be angrier at: Hamas or the Parents of these poor babies! You can read about the story HERE . It simply sickens me!
God has strict commandments Against passing the children through fire, these men have bought themselves a sure ticket to Hell.
And this, proves, the ancient, worship of Bael [America] and the worship of Marduk, still is around...
his name is Satan/fallen angels...if you don't believe in Jesus, Satan, and the Word of God,
you might want to rethink, read the Bible, and see for yourself. Because we are in the End Days,
no doubt about it. The answer, is NOT in government, or human programs,
the answer, is Repent and believe, Jesus Christ. [if we love Him we will obey His commands, its not just believing, the devils believe too and fear and tremble...its also obeying God, and forsaking All evil--that includes worship of money/materialism and sex/marriage for sex, America -- that's to the church]
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