after reading another yet duped woman commenting on a Christian blog today, and having debated whether or not to just really go off [I decided not to, because I would have offended and well, so many of these women just really have no choice but to cope with what they are in, but anyhow],
it made me think, about what it is, that really just for some reason, doesn't 'sit' right about this 'submissive child-woman' garbage being spewed in the religious establishment of today,
not only that, but having read, so many historical writings by Christian women in the past [who were NOTHING like the submissive 'children' we are seeing today, not anywhere close], I knew, something was off,
but I just couldn't put my finger on it.
But today, after reading her comment [and a few others like her, and these were somewhat moderate mainstream, not the ultra 'patriarchal' fanatics], it became clear,
what is Wrong, with the DISTORTION OF THE SUBMISSION 'DOCTRINES' being 'pimped out' to women today in our modern day churches.
And I will be doing an essay on this, on the blog....[after I gather some stats and so forth, which hopefully will be this week].
The topic is,
Wifely Submission and Its Relation to the Pedophilia Fantasy
Oh yea, I went there,
because Pedophilia and especially rape of children, has become an EPIDEMIC within, the Protestant churches and homes, its not just a Catholic problem. And its one that I believe, the 'blame' doesn't just fall on the men,
it falls, on a lot of women, who have allowed themselves to be "Reduced to 'children" to play out a Role, of a submissive child, rather than a full grown woman Adult, to her husband [as taught by the churches] therefore,
two things result. One, the fascination and temptation of 'pedophilia' becomes more normalized as the woman plays the role, rather than of the 'adult wife' but of the 'little girl with daddy, the Authority', therefore normalizing the power imbalance, meaning, rather than the marital relationship AND marital bed being one of consenting adult to consenting adult, it then becomes, the authoritarian adult to the 'non-consenting child' because children, cannot give full consent--they simply do not understand the ramifications of their actions or how they are being manipulated.
The second thing is, is that by Reducing the 'woman' into a 'child', you then have, a child, raising children [and Charlotte Perkins Gilman and other Christian women in the 1800-1900s said the same thing and they predicted the demise in creating the 'woman of folly' or 'woman who is child' for future generations], anyhow,
to think, that a child--will then be able to expect 'respect' from their Equals, the other Children, is an oxymoron if there ever was one. Not only that, but when the children, particularly girl children, see the Mother Adult--acting like a 'child to her authority daddy husband--that girl learns one thing,
not HOW to say NO. And abstinence teaching, why bother? IF a girl child grows up to see her mother as a reduced child with no boundaries, how then, will she learn boundaries? She won't, and in fact, this is Probably the reason, why it is well known, boys in high school [or junior high] want sex, hit up the Christian girls, they simply won't say NO, because they've been well indoctrinated, by watching the Child-Mother, never say NO to a man.
And, the 'child-mother' creates an atmosphere of disrespect towards 'women' and 'mothers' especially, Instead of respecting the mother as the adult-authority figure in the home, the children see her as yet, just another peer, or worse,
maid servant.
Meanwhile, daddy is the only one, who has any authority or respect in the home--and since daddy is the only Authority--if mother child don't say NO, then, if daddy oversteps boundaries with the children,
they won't say no either, more so, than children who grow up in homes, where the mother takes the Adult role, rather than the 'child' role.
I will be doing some research on this, what triggered this analysis however, was reading, several of the Christian women, say, "how they like that their husbands tell them everything, they practically don't have to think or do anything',
not only is this absolutely absurd, [and god forbid, I fear for their children's sake], its down right dangerous. Not only that--
its clearly not scriptural. God said, Thou shall honor thy father AND MOTHER,
not, mother-child and not father authority with no mother.
And I couldn't help but think, reading this woman's response, as horrible as this is, but I couldn't help think,
'is she a woman, or a child, and if a child--then, it wreaks of an incestuous relationship'. Something, is dreadfully wicked about that and I in no way, believe Anywhere in scripture, does God, condone or support, such a thing.
Proverbs 31 is evidence, that women are to have AUTHORITY in the home, they are Adults, NOT CHILDREN,
and with this emphasis on this males as 'authority' and women as dumbed down children wives, it makes me question,
do these men want wives, or do they want, to play out their fantasy, of pedophilia?
And I hate to say it, but I believe, the answer, is the latter,
especially with the increase of Christian men [and the churches who ARE DELIBERATELY DISOBEDIENT TO THE COMMANDMENTS WHERE PAUL SAYS, TO EXCOMMUNICATE ANY MEMBER GUILTY OF SEXUAL IMMORALITY] who are using porn,
and the porn industry today, as well as the 'soft porn' industry today, is clearly, evident, of pedophilia and the increase of demand of girls, its in the fashion [adult women dressing up like six year olds], its in the media,
and today, its being spewed in our Churches, using scriptures, to create the environments, conducive to, yes,
I'll be writing more on this later,
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Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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