This was So good, that I am sharing it here on Christmas Day, from Submission Tyranny, a brilliant blog, from author Waneta Dawn. With the increase of 'misogynist' warped teachings in many a church pulpit today, IF one does not read the Word for themselves, they would easily believe that God is just one misogynist jerk...Wrong,
but many paint Him that way. Thank you God, for your Word, that leads us into all TRUTH.
A CBMW-Correct Christmas Account
The Bible account of the birth of Jesus must be all wrong. According to Christians for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, CBMW, God would never talk to a woman, like He did to Mary. He would have said something as important as that to Joseph. Since they were already espoused, Joseph would have been Mary’s head, and therefore would have authority over her. She would have had no right to agree to carry the Christ Child on her own. Joseph would have had to give her permission, or God would have asked Joseph to do it, since God never asks women to do service of significance. Therefore, Luke 1:26-38 needs go be rewritten in order to line up with the biblical principles expressed in CBMW’s teachings.
read the rest here:
P.S. On another note, I debated whether or not to keep up the no longer quivering blog on the site, and have decided to remove it. Not because it doesn't not present good arguments against ultra-patriarchy, but after reading it for some time, I believed that the blog should be named along more the lines of what its really about, which is -no longer Christian- not just no longer quivering. And people are free to have their beliefs and I respect that, everyone has to be at peace at what they believe,
but I felt the blog is a bit misleading, because it states No Longer Quivering and I felt that, that meant, no longer in Quiverful groups, etc., beliefs, yet still within the faith, etc. Since I listed it under 'Christian' feminist blogs well, its not really a Christian site, but rather, probably more of an 'anti-Christian' site, so didn't want to mislead readers here, to that regard I removed it from the Christian feminist blogs,
it IS a good site, I do recommend it, and I might re-add it under a different label, but the Christian feminist blogs are blogs by Christian women [meaning, women who believe and live for Christ] but who are confronting the misogyny that is in many of the religious traditions and/or churches...where as, on the No Longer Quivering, its not just confronting patriarchy but rejecting Christianity altogether, so, I didn't feel I could list it under Christian Feminism,
maybe under Feminism. But I do not have a list of secular feminist blogs on this site, I do read them, but I have not listed them here, because that is not my targeted audience. There are numerous secular feminist sites, and many of them are very good,
but I've gone in another direction and want to keep the focus somewhat within the Faith. NOT that this is a requirement for the union, it clearly is not, but in one of my earlier posts, I mentioned that there really wasn't that much interest in forming a Union, per se, within the cottage industry. The class consciousness simply isn't there,
understandable for numerous reasons of which I won't get into here. But over the year my life changed and my faith views changed...not my political views so much or my views on labor, so forth,
and I feel, that there are many Christian women and men, who do feel strongly about these issues and who Want to do more, to not just address them but to change things within their lives/our lives, to make a difference,
that doesn't necessarily go along with the status quo, etc.
So, well, thought I would explain, why the NLQ is on the side bar, its not anything they've done or said, not anything of the sort...just that under the Christian Feminist blog sites, those blogs Do need to be Christian, as to not mislead the readers.
Thank you for understanding,
Jane -- update
UPDATE: I have added some new blog lists to the side bar, and have posted the No Longer Quivering under a different title, thanks to the inspiration from a dear sister. Also, have added some embroider blogs and some new blog inspirational on the Dare to Be Different section.
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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1 week ago
Good call on the NLQ blog.
I noticed the other day it was under Christian feminist and wondered about it.
I agree, it is still a good place to go and read. Sometimes I quote what is on there to other Christians so that I can get them to understand how the false, 'male favoring' gospel is destroying females (Something God never intended) both those in and leaving the church.
Turning a blind eye to the destruction is no longer tolerable.
You know, you've just given me a Great idea, where to put it, to the side bar...Thank you,
because while I do not concur with some of the prejudicial [by a few who post there] hostile to Christian viewpoints,
we cannot just ignore the real harms done to so many women under male favoring-misogynist systems either.
So today, I will add another blog list, labeling it Religious destruction of Females or something along those lines...
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