[note: I am posting a series on this issue on the WAMI blog [look to the side bar], it is one of my blogs, that is more political/women's human rights, VERY controversial because I do not fit into any 'box', and I don't care--who I offend really, because I don't compromise when it comes to , human rights of women, overseas...I'll confront sexism and misogyny in Christianity, in the far Left, feminist doctrines that become group think misogynist in their own way, and Islam--I just flat out don't care,
if they are beating women, raping women, trafficking women, I don't care, WHAT culture, WHAT is PC, WHAT is ignored, I'll confront it. Nothing makes me angrier than Indifference--to suffering. Especially when we live in a relative free country, though yes, we are hardly emancipated from male violence---and when there are countless women living hell on earth. And what really irks me, is the 'apologetics' to those, for whatever Cowardice reason, to not 'offend culture' who will literally sell women out. These young women, women who in India who are raped time and time again simply because they are Christian and are forced to carry human feces, by yes, women who are also oppressed, you see, that is how Hierarchies work...where women, can be oppressed AND be oppressors. For whatever dynamics or reasons, however, I don't care---
what I do care about, is doing Something, to end it, though I know realistically I can't, I have to at least try...to do Something, and if that something, is just bringing Attention to the horrors so they don't thrive in 'secrecy', then so be it.
You many wonder, Why am I posting this here, after my post on 'decoupage', well, you see, many of the blog sites on textiles are from UK, and in the UK, there has been recent case of a young Muslim woman, raped by her cousin at her uncle's orders--arranged marriage, and its not the First case like this. WE are seeing more and more of these cases in the West--and the feminists and leftists are silent--but they have NO problems, bashing Christianity. To speak out, against these abuses, brings the immediate Ignorant response, 'oh you're a right wing racist'.
How convenient--so we can throw out the label of racist--meanwhile, women are raped and killed WITH IMPUNITY, trafficked [modern day slavery] and in OUR OWN DAMN BACK YARDS.
I concur with Tina Modotti, artist, and revolutionary who said she would NOT hide in her art---neither will I. Neither should You,
we are artists, to create Beauty in our world. but we cannot create Beauty in our world, if we are Indifferent to Ugliness. There is only so much we can mask with pretty jars and quilts and threads....we cannot mask, the blood of thousands of innocents,
and you know something, we shouldn't try too. Real art, in my opinion, is reaching out, on behalf of All those who suffer, and trying to elevate and free them, in some way....so that, they too, can one day, have the same freedom, to express Their beauty.
And until That day arrives, I will combine art, and activism..on behalf of All women, who suffer horribly, at the hands of haters, rapists, despots and religious haters of All kinds and in All cultures.
end of note]
This, is an Outrage---Trafficking of young Christian women, Egypt, who are Kidnapped, Raped, forced to convert AGAINST THEIR WILL, and never seeing their families again...worse, many of them are then 'forced organ donors', meaning, their organs are taken from them, Who knows,
how many of them are Dead.
And yet, Dare we, demand a woman to remove a full face veil for Identification purposes,
Well, it's time to confront it, and its not just in Egypt the persecution of young women Because they are not Muslim is common place, but in Pakistan, India [persecution by Hindu extremists, so its not always Muslims] and in Algeria, Sudan, etc.
What gets me about this, is that here in America too, we see those same 'prejudices', by Feminists even, its 'cool' to slam Christianity, to do so under the veil of confronting fundamentalism--but the true goal is not to 'free women from fundamentalism' as much as its just to create hostility towards a faith. And its those who will keep silent in regards to some of the most horrid human right abuses To women--in Islam.
But I ask, What about those women, who are Not Muslim, maybe they are not Christian either, but they suffer horrible human right abuses, especially Rape--and yet, there is little to NO outrage here, among women or among so called 'women's right's on their behalf, Why is that?
Is it now One standard for Western women and another standard for Christian women overseas, does Human Rights for Women fall under some 'quota' as to where they are, whom they are, what kind of nation they live in, etc? Is 'faith' a requirement or Non-faith a requirement BEFORE ACTION AND OUTRAGE CAN BE TAKEN ON BEHALF OF THE PERSECUTED?
If so, then human rights and feminism is sheer HYPOCRISY.
It is for This reason, I am picking these issues Back up here, on the WAMI blog, and on the Union blog,
because whether a woman is Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Pagan,
no group, has the God given 'right' to kidnap, rape, force convert, force marry, Any woman....there is NO license given by Any God to do so,
and those men and women who Do these things, I just want you to know,
if you continue in them, YOU will, one day, answer for your crimes...if not in this lifetime, on judgment day. That I do believe....
and the thing is, in every human being, unless they are so overtaken by EVIL, knows this is wrong..it is WRONG to commit such abuses to Any human, male or female. It goes contrary to Natural Law inside all of us---that is given to us, yes, by God. [this is what I believe---just ethics alone however, says we have a duty one to another...]
For more about the kidnapping, rapes and forced conversions of young Christian women, see article here,
and recent article in Washington Times on this.
More later,
[more on this issue on the WAMI blog--will also be posting on the rise of Homelessness in America on the WAMI blog as well--will comment on both here to keep up attention to both issues, that and the 'gap' between our worlds, where 'art' is concerned and Privilege]
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining…
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining classic design with contemporary flair.
1 week ago
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