While I am doing some research--and I'll need to also go through my files here at home, I did do a lot of reading as to the 'resource' factor in many regions that causes many to live in shanty towns/and in garbage dumps, etc.,
I want to leave you with this article, from Unicef, about the children in Brazil. One thing, that is a common thread and it is Also going on in This nation as we speak--
people cannot find work and move to the suburbs only to find there is no work and they are forced to live in shanty towns/dumps, etc. This is happening All over America, tent cities. I will be covering this as well. Or often vice versa, no work in rural they migrate to urban--overcrowding and Over population [this is big one women--while I strongly oppose eugenics/left ideals on this, at the same time, the Lower patriarchal standards for women under Religion IS creating mass poverty and children are Dying as a result of] [see note at bottom**]
So, there are some common threads, and there is one big common denominator I am seeing,
Urbanization--jobs, and when those jobs become less and population grows, migration patterns to the rural and no jobs, no resources, and no means of self-support. OR, there is lack of clean water [rural areas] and overpopulation and lack of good soil to sustain farming.
In this way, Modernization is yes, some to blame here....remember, our ancestors farmed from seed and worked with no resources either--as we progress, we Unlearn those skills and become Dependent on jobs-and systems.
There is also the issue of land hoarding--
more on this later...for now, lets do some reading and see why this is a reality for so many.
**note: One problem however that is overlooked, while yes, the lack of Waste treatment is a huge part of this--IF these children did NOT have means of making even a small amount of income and this is a Reality in many regions that Do have waste management--those children are Then vulnerable to debt bondage sales, slavery and Especially sex slavery--as we see in more Modernized countries that are also seeing increase in poverty, e.g. Eastern Europe, parts of Asia and Russia, etc. And here in America--sex industry is in fact, the fastest growing along with service sector.
This is how so much of this Does tie into yes, the low status of women, particularly where Forced marriages, Forced pregnancies are concerned. It is an OxyMoron to scream Pro-Life and fight Birth Control yet thousands of these Very children are rotting away in poverty and the trafficking-sex slavery, due to the demand for Virgins, is growing. That demand for Virgins btw, children being raped in sex slavery, IS in fact the 'mentality' of the rapists/industry that is Right along with the whole patriarchal-misogynist lust for subjugation of women, marriage to girl children, the relationship of submission worship to Pedophilia and so forth, in other words, MALE DOMINANCE AND THEIR INSISTENCE, UNDER GOD THEY SO CLAIM, TO HAVE SPECIAL ENTITLEMENT TO DO THESE THINGS. We also much Address here, the other side of the coin--the Hedonist 'anything goes if it feels good do it, including pedophilia, and the whole anti-God no moral absolutes mentality that Is growing in many nations, a.k.a. cultural and moral relativism. The whole whatever one does is fine boat--is also, KILLING just as many Children/and attributing to as the Patriarchs and Ultra-religious fundamentalists are doing. Both--are about Selfishess and Self Gratification, using 'philosophy' or 'religion' to do so and Both, are contributing to the indifference and willful actions in human right abuses, Especially of Children.
In other words, the solutions cannot be just 'mere waste management' and putting kids in schools, though its a Start--
we Have to address the many Roots of the problems to begin with, and that is where a lot of the patriarchy, Religion and Misogyny, will need to be addressed and resisted. Throw in that quagmire the problem of HIV and AIDS and its one big mess,
and of course, war, war over resources that are being used, for OUR technology, diamonds, you name it..
it is All intertwined, with Sin. Greed, Lust and Power.
Question is then, What do we do, to change OUR ROLE in that?
I will leave this up top for time....so that we may think and reflect on these things, and I will later be adding, factor by factor, the problems, the problems in solutions and what are Alternatives.
What can We do, etc...to Help bring about Change.
Later, Solidarity,
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Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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2 weeks ago
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