You might have noticed, I'm somewhat of a Music Nut.
And this morning, browsing, this little voice, said, click this one, and then a few minutes later, I saw the name again, [on You Tube], and that voice again, click this one,
I remember feeling like this when I first heard Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan, Mazzy Star, Indigo Girls, Superchick, FlyLeaf [love her high notes], Regina Spektor [rocks, love her], and many others I didn't add here, well,
now, add to the list, Mary Win. Two songs and I'm already HOOKED, I LOVE music that is REAL, not too syrupy, not 'industry' though some industry-market I can handle but I like the offbeat, from the heart songs, and yea, you can Tell the difference.
And I like 'male' artists too [so not to leave the men out, lol], I love Korn [I know, I know but I LOVE good heavy metal], I LOVE NIN, Trent Reznor is a Genius, lyrics--a few songs I don't really care for but the political grit, love-the use of symbolism, Linkin Park, [one of favs], U2's Older stuff,
as Christian goes, some songs I like [praise music/prefer old hymns and singing from my own heart] some I like until they play them Over and Over and Over, then they sort of kill it. Personally, I can't stand the majority of Female Christian music,
one, its not Real, its 'applied to meet a Gender norm-construct' and its Fake as hell, syrupy sweet and well, just Fake. Then again, I don't like the other side of that whole gender role construct in music coin either, the whole I'm a slut and I can screw oooooh don't you love and want me-- see but I can sing type of pop garbage either. IN MY BOOK, the Two sexualized prissy dumbed down types of role models be they Christian pop or Secular pop--are IDENTICAL. Like puke, yuck and get me some Ozzie or Atmosphere or Something, Anything but the soft porn--mental burka crap music--NOW. Something with some bite and grit and even if dark, at Least its truthful, not Plastic and Shallow.
[ok rant rant here]
So really my fav Christian music would be underground, street, I like a lot of the inner city hip hop and urban sound, its Real, but my one complaint, I haven't heard any Christian women sing it. It kind of irks me that MEN have the 'freedom' in Christian music to expose their 'humanity' yet women are Still being forced and coerced to put on this see my little house and my pink clothes and my pastel barrettes and I have NO PERSONALITY OR SEXUALITY OF MY OWN, I am nothing but a Mirror worshiper of my Huuuusssband--and if I don't have a Huuuuuuusssband I just here to tell you that life is hard and I suffer but one day God will send me a Huuuuuussssband. I so passive, see.
ok, yech.
Only Real good Christian female music is in the Rock--that play Secular as well--maybe because to be THEMSELVES and not this GENDER YUCK SOFT PORN-I MY HUSBAND'S SEX TOY FOR GOD IMAGE--they HAD to go secular, just My opinion on that one.
I have some resentment there too because you see the American 'patriarchs/and patriarchal women' Crucified Amy Grant when she did a few 'secular love songs' and Showed her Humanity,
because, it was Amy Grant--her music, is what Led me to the Lord. And one of my daughters is named after a song of hers.
I haven't forgotten what the mainstream oh I"m so moral American Christian rah rah go soldiers for our freedom and so what if they rape Muslim girls and American women in our forces [we just don't care to see because its All about Marriage Togetherness and Prosperity and IMAGE] did to Amy Grant and a few other Christian women who dared to break out of the MOLD and be REAL.
and sing how they Bleed and they Feel and they Want and they Struggle, they Breathe, and
the Worst, OH MY GOSH THEY 'THINK'!!!!!
Ah but anyway, yada yada
I like all kinds of music, IF its real, from the heart, if it Says something of importance or if one can Relate to it--in a Real way,
and Mary Win, like your lyrics and style, your realness and so,
another great female music artist to add to my favorites.
HAD TO ADD THIS ONE, LOVE HER STYLE AND HER ABILITY TO MAKE ME LAUGH. I KNOW A LOT OF MEN LIKE THIS, DON'T YOU? [my tribute to er, Family Values, hee hee] this video-song has some Depth, real depth, I wonder if many 'get it'? Black and White, Puritanical and Myth--and well, watch and see
And I could NOT leave this, without adding MY contribution, to the whole 'oh we support Patriotism' Christian Woman Slogan,
so, here ya go, here is MY SUPPORT FOR THE WHOLE 'WAR' AMERICAN CHRISTIAN CULTURE FEMALE 'ROLE' [song but another one of my fav Female Artists]
Have a listen:
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Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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2 weeks ago
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