[see Part I below]
I wanted to add, just real quick, one of the things that triggered [has been for a while] yesterday and what would come to me, in addition to what I wrote to Adam yesterday [on Quivering Daughter's blog BTW] and I feel very prompted to go ahead and say this, what I am about to write, because it has a lot to do with the lack of what I think, is a lack of love and manifestation of the Holy Spirit's power among today's Christians [not all, but the main culture, in West] and last night, while thinking on this, I realized what it was that was just annoying me to no end, what it was that I could not just deny or ignore, the evidence was obvious, and the reference point, that is actually quite hilarious, was something Marx said...it's amazing how much of Marxism, my years of loyalty and well, flat out worship of Lenin, and others in that whole ideological frame, so knowing how that whole borg loyalty works, intimately and how it works to control one's mind, I see it, in Christiandom, especially in what I will term [see post below] as semi-cults.
I refer to the semi-cults in that, while they may be CHALLENGING LARGER CULTS OR AUTHORITARIAN COMPS[**see note at bottom], they in themselves, are also a type of group think cultist clique, so to speak, and WHY I say this, is because IF you, as an INDIVIDUAL, go into one of these sound byte web groups and CHALLENGE, THEIR ARGUMENTS WITH QUESTIONS THAT ARE UNCOMFORTABLE, they will IMMEDIATELY,
kick your ass off. You cannot push the envelope with semi-cult folks, they don't like it, they don't allow it, they demonize you, they ostracize you, they silence you, and it took me a long while, to figure out why. And I know why, they cannot ANSWER YOU BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THE ANSWER...
Some of them, I think just don't flat care, about YOU, the HUMAN, it's the IDEOLOGY, THAT THEY LOVE, it is the IDEOLOGY THAT THEY WORSHIP, humans, are simply collateral cogs in the machine that like steps to the top of the pyramid, they walk on their backs, to get to the top...to create a world, their vision, staying loyal to their 'platform' and when they get near the top, they will begin to purge, PURGE, those that do not fall in line, and only ONE, can sit, at the top of the THRONE.
One one blog, they have debated, circle jerked, masturbated to, the issue of submission and authority, over 800 something replies. When I asked about how would they tell a woman, or What would they tell a woman sex slave in regards to how one would obey the command be chaste, pure and then the other command submit to authority even if slave and the truth is, in times of Rome the women were sex slaves if slaves, that is FACT, not hear say, not fantasy, fact...and this is one issue, rather than try to answer, they simply wouldn't even allow the question to come in...moderated out. Of course, because the plight of women, is not their concern, like many in socialism and communism, women are simply a means to an end, who cares if there are thousands bleeding profusely?
It's the Ideology Dammit, it's the PHILOSOPHY, why THAT is what we're here for, so we argue, argue, debate, go around, scratch the others back, and IF, God forbid, one who LIVES with suffering affliction being subject to someone, happens to ask a painful question,
it's immediately, the same answer one would get, in confronting the social engineers of communism....
erase her. exile her. purge her.
Remove her from the premises...those things will be taken care of once WE get into power, it's all a part of history, why it's the Dialectic, why it's just how it is, why it's just sad but oh well...BUT NO
Christianity today, has become PHILOSOPHY, it has become an IDEOLOGY just like MARXIST-LENINISM OR MAOISM IDEOLOGY [the application of, the disastrous END results, should be a red flag if one has their eyes open],
it has become nothing more than an IDEAL that is debated, fought for, purged for, all to form a pyramid, of POWER, via SOCIAL ENGINEERS, while throwing the PEOPLE they say they care about and represent, off the pyramid to their deaths or slavery.
There, like in tyrannical governments, is A DISTANCE,
Christianity, for the most part, culture wise, in the west, has become nothing more, than just another PHILOSOPHY,
and the people die around them, and they stage masters are OBLIVIOUS to their people's cries. Either oblivious or just flat out,
But hey, like in Marxism [applied that is, in all fairness, let me say, Stalin, was no Marxist, Lenin was, Stalin was a mix of fascism and state capitalism, another analysis, another time, Trotsky I believe was probably more Marxist, though no saint, but then Marxism was never completed, his theories and the one thing people really don't grasp, is Marx, said the People, will revolt/change, etc., Lenin changed that to the Vanguard, and then it went from there] it starts out with good intent then becomes nothing more than a power grab, by those who USE the poor peasants as the FODDER in their revolution for POWER. DOMINION...this is why, once established, the poor FODDER, ARE THROWN UNDER THE GUILLOTINE, EVERY TIME. AND WOMEN, DON'T EVEN GET THAT FAR--THEY ARE IMPRISONED AND KILLED EVEN BEFORE THE REVOLUTION IS FINISHED--OR EXILED OR TAMED, CONTROLLED, AND THEIR DREAMS OF LIBERATION, ARE GONE TO DUST......
but hey, they make excellent FODDER, fertilizer for the ground that is being laid, they are even willing participants to their own sacrificial deaths, deceived, just like Eve. Every time.
Anyway, so I thought of something Marx said, 'the point is not to philosophize but to change the world' last night, and then it became clear,
Jesus said the same thing....the point wasn't to sit and talk 'law' but to get out there and Love, Heal, Feed, Water, Lift Up, Works, I will reward every person according to their works, not their circle jerking around LAW, IDEAS,
The Difference, between what Jesus commanded and what the ideologies of man demand, is that Jesus SERVED, a public servant, not a VANGUARD...Rome was the vanguard, the Jewish Nationalists wanted a Vanguard to overthrow the Roman Imperialists, Jesus showed another way....one that politically, was not too popular and it got him killed, from the worldly side of it that is, betrayed by the ones HE came to serve and Love, had Loved for generations. [taking this lens from just the worldly focus here, politically speaking]
Christianity in so many ways has become just Marxist theory, in practice....another philosophy,
rather than an empowered LIFE from the Power of the Holy Spirit, that yes, does Electrify us into ACTION,
not philosophy, not coffee, tea and scones, but ACTION.
if WE are to live through JESUS, then WHERE IS OUR ACTION?
Jesus Taught in the synagogues, He didn't sit around day after day PHILOSOPHIZING, exercising and showing his brilliant KNOWLEDGE TO BE IMPRESSED UPON OTHERS,
I used to do all that, when in college, when in socialism, hours upon hours philosophizing about the merits of vanguard-ism verses direct action, I remember those days---but there was also ACTION, SOLIDARITY, yes it was protesting government [which BTW, we the People in America ARE the government so we ARE the uh, AUTHORITY, we forget that, another topic, another time],
but even then, eventually the work of action became less and less [or it became hijacked with more militant and ironically taken over/colonized by those who are far from friendly to either women or the masses] but also, when the purity for ideology started to be the goal rather than social change, the power hungry began to purge [through votes, sinister exiles, not violence, at least not yet] and stepping over each other, back stabbing for who gets to be the big honcho fantasy leader, so to speak...the cult of personality dynamics were already at work.
Why is that, because philosophy and ideology are not driven by love, but by a quest for power, for dominance, for showing off how brilliant and expertise they are, and who is more worthy of being the one or ones in RULE. DOMINION....
and to hell with the people, to hell with the women, that was NOT the way of Jesus, not even,
and HE was KING...IS KING, of ALL.
For the first time, I get what being meek really is, it is so opposite of this world, it is so opposite, of the goals of PHILOSOPHY.
Worldly philosophy...the Bible says that wisdom is earthly [not meaning that earth is bad but earthly meaning base], carnal, devilish, etc. Because of 'foolish envy in the hearts'...
that is opposite of the Holy Spirit.
In the early days, the Holy Spirit was out poured on the men and women, in the early church, what was the manifestation of this power? LOVE.
They sold what they could so that NO ONE, WAS WITHOUT...they took care of their poor, their WIDOWS, WOMEN, CHILDREN, EACH OTHER...
they didn't sit around circle jerking arguing over law, in fact Paul rebuked such who attempted to bring that in...the spirit was one of Love, of Love in ACTION, if one suffered they all suffered, if one rejoiced they all rejoiced.....the Bible says, they ate and drank together, they broke bread together,
they were FAMILY.
Just like a family,
this is NOT the church of today. And no, having a pot luck at a big building, with a few hand shakes, hellos, and talking AT people, doctrines, is not the same, as breaking bread together. Not even...
that isn't fellowship, that is a farce.
And to top that off, to argue, 800+ times, over the rights of men to have rule over women/wives, when there are women with children who are bleeding profusely, singles at home alone and lonely, people LEAVING, THE CHURCHES IN DROVES, WOMEN ESPECIALLY,
says volumes.
All the talk in the world, all the PHILOSOPHIZING, IN THE WORLD,
and guess who, will be there, to actually Do the visit, the meal sharing, the phone call?
the ones who don't believe....who don't philosophize,
or maybe,
those that do--those who not only philosophize but who take up ACTION on behalf of the broken...the misery,
the sheep are scattered, there is no shepherds,
because they are too busy, philosophizing.
Marx said, the point is not to philosophize, but to change the world...
and they are changing the world.....
meanwhile, the church, in the West, is circle jerking, like the BOURGEOISIE THAT THEY ARE,
climbing up over each other to the top of their Egyptian pyramid, until they purge out each other, Paul said lest ye devour one another,
and the Enemy, is laying there, just waiting, for the meal...
sadly, the FODDER, are mostly,
WOMEN. hurting, broken, women.
Here Here, to the whole love and worship of philosophy, law, and authority [to have or not to have]
while the Have Not's, have no where, but themselves, to rely on.....hanging on, by a thread. slaves,
not the church of Acts, that's for sure...
they will have a form of Godliness, but deny, the power, thereof...
it's not wonder, the atheists, are having such an easy time, luring broken women, into their webs...no wonder at all.
note: ** the blog I am referencing to, is not the Quiverfull Daughter's blog, in case there is misunderstanding here, that blog is actually helping women who have left the patriarchal semi-cults/or cults, teachings, etc. I want to make sure there is no misunderstanding there, the blog I am referring to, with the over 800 back and forth circle jerking, is just one of several, this one in particular is a egal blog that debates with comps/hard comps to open the door for women to get into ministry, so they say...interesting thing is, we saw how that same type of 'debate' worked for women in the worldly avenues, such as politics, military, etc., gender equity in numbers does not equal gender rights, hardly, if anything, history has shown us, the 'token' women will sell out, and women wind up in far worse straights because the 'facade' of equality is believed when in reality, the oppression is increased because the lie is believed that women have 'arrived'...because a few Elites have. That is how the pyramid works...because it really is about, AMBITION, men will open the door slightly, those in power, just enough, to PACIFY, the restless native, that earthly, sensual woman...if it gets to the point where it's necessary to MAINTAIN,
but it is NOT liberation, nor emancipation from patriarchy or even patriarchal abuse, this is where ironically Marx was right about Bourgeoisie reforms, they simply do not work. They work, for the benefit of the elite, the masses, remain slaves. This is why, the revolutionaries true to the cause, hated those, bourgeoisie who Used liberalism as the ticket to secure privilege, at the expense of the enslaved. This however, is exactly what Power does,
it corrupts, absolutely. So then, as Christians, who have been commanded to be meek, why is it then, we have assimilated into the ways of the world? Contrary to Love and serving one another in meekness? Not philosophizing, but Serving...
this is a question, I will come back to.
Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
and a light wood floor.
Ideas for remodeling a mid-sized contemporary dining room with white walls
and a light wood floor.
Orientation Pev
1 day ago
I am speechless. It's hard to type through tears, but today I begged God for clarity and direction. There is MUCH here to think about. Thank you so much. I am printing this out, and I am looking forward to reading more of your thoughts.
you are welcome, please be forewarned, I am very honest and real here and sometimes I let it rip, not always good with my language, though I do try, like my last post, usually I will go back and edit but there are times that I don't, because if I did, I'd be lying, and while my faith, yes is real,
it's a faith that is not without questions, or without anger over things, or without wrestling with God over things, which I do daily, prayer and in the Word so I do walk out, through the good and the bad, the beautiful here and the sometimes base and ugly. It isn't like the 'image' we are supposedly to put out there, but for me, it's real,
and God knows it anyway so I spent Years, living and spewing lies, both religious and secular and one day I realized, I didn't really believe in squat, where God was concerned, and so from that day forward, once I realized that He wasn't shocked, shaken, flabbergasted at my venting or questioning though Yes HE does get onto me about murmuring, lack of love, forgiveness, don't get me wrong--He does, but at the same time He also tells me, love genuine, worship in truth, or don't at all. so,
if you can handle my not so good days here, I do walk through the times of doubt, unbelief and I don't hide it. But also, God has come through so many times and shown me, it is NOT easy in these days, so,
you are loved here, you do not have to be 'good' here, just be real, I accept people as they are, the less religious the easier it is for me to actually relate to them. Why, because pain is real, pain is real, it's not wished away, it's not scripture- d away, and I am not afraid to hear about it here, I do ask the hard questions, why I call it often, notes from the wilderness, LOL. [except I learned hard way to leave the gold cow alone, LOL, long story]
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