not posting-- writing wise today--like I normally do...will come back to, for now am re-centering focus, reflecting on many things, been talking, listening to God, about a lot of things, my struggle with self and living in this crazy world, and well, this one thing, I'd like to share today, IF anything just because, I truly believe HE deserves some credit for His amazing attention to detail, His consistent care and attention and patience because it took billions of years for all these elements to come together, wind molding, water softening, wind chiseling, ground shifting plates, to create all this beauty but not just beauty, but whole LIFE systems that WE depend on...that WE are a part of, and I more and more do NOT believe, that WE, humanity, are the Monopoly NOR are we at the 'top' of this chain of beings that God yes created...I think we Made ourselves to be that AT the expense of the planet, animals, each other
but I do NOT believe that GOD created us to Become what we have, but then, that through this Fish School of LIFE we learn, through our mistakes, just like children do...we learn by Knowing, because in the End of all of it, the Sum of All things, there IS a bigger picture and that is what Jesus has been showing me, through His grace, more and more. It's a humbling experience, to say the least, to see Him in His Encompassing Everything, only way I know to say it. I'm not talking here about religion or man's dogma or how man through the ages has perceived, though I do believe that all those things were and are progressive little steps, from a spiritual kindergarten to high school, a type of dialectical learning, unfolding, like how a rose starts from a root ball to a plant to a thorn to a bud to a opening flower...
but I do NOT believe that GOD created us to Become what we have, but then, that through this Fish School of LIFE we learn, through our mistakes, just like children do...we learn by Knowing, because in the End of all of it, the Sum of All things, there IS a bigger picture and that is what Jesus has been showing me, through His grace, more and more. It's a humbling experience, to say the least, to see Him in His Encompassing Everything, only way I know to say it. I'm not talking here about religion or man's dogma or how man through the ages has perceived, though I do believe that all those things were and are progressive little steps, from a spiritual kindergarten to high school, a type of dialectical learning, unfolding, like how a rose starts from a root ball to a plant to a thorn to a bud to a opening flower...
These videos, there are no words necessary, except, one thing that God showed me, in the first, is that I can embrace my eye color [green/dark green/gold], my cliff like mountain nose, my way too thick wavy and wild dark auburn hair [though now it's more tree bark gray and dark brown] in a way that, I didn't really grasp before...I believe we are made in God's image, modeled a lot from how our Mother Earth and Father Earth is...the 'images' of media are false, those aesthetics that we Measure our self by, be it in mediums of t.v. or video or clay forms back in B.C., it is in my belief that we were created in the image of God, and that THAT image, is Very diverse to say the least. So, here's to,
my Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Earth Father, Earth Mother, in God [if you click right key mouse, hit view in you tube window, then you can get full screen, it's WAY better, that way, just be sure to click view in you tube window, it should open up in new window, This video, without going into detail, has some personal meaning for me, and it has to do with image. Question is, where do we get our image from...or what IS image, some things for you to think about while enjoying these.
again, no words necessary...where so much of it began
In the Beginning...
Thank you Jesus,
to You, the glory always shines, though in love you never blast it, it's always there, I'm so sorry, I was so wrapped up in so much drivel to not really take notice, but like nature, you in patience and understanding, of our smallness, waited,
and showed me.
You've always been there, our Works show Who we are, but those Works I am seeing, take years, of being molded, chiseled, brushed, transformed,
and it requires patience. The bigger picture, we are just a very, very small part of, but one thing we share, is Words,
what sets us apart, is the use of Words. So, reflecting on this, may I learn to respect the power and life source of Words, not to take them for granted or lightly--in both thought and practice.
Maybe this is where more silence is needed, to listen, and learn...I am Sooo ready, to just shut up and
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