While the police in my situ were not physically abusive, they Did distort [lie] on the police report, but the distortion could have been a misunderstanding, as they stated the house was reported to have been in the condition for two years but actually what we did report was that my spine injury was diagnosed two years ago, so I let that go. Not like I could do much about that anyway...the only thing that really pissed me off about the report once I was able to read it, was how they stated that both my younger teens were happy to be leaving, which was A FLAT OUT LIE. My daughter was in tears and she hates police now [one kept flirting with her however, she's 16], my son, HATES THEM now because they lied to him about several things...but my son was happy, because he was getting to hang with his half-brother whom never spends time with him. He was 12 at the time...I wasn't being arrested so he had no reason to be upset. It wasnt' until three days later that they charged me....and then that in itself is rather suspicious but anyhow,
while I could say in that situation it could have been a hell of a lot worse [I am being objective and fair], I have seen, with my own eyes, some horrid police brutality in downtown Denver, and as a juvenile growing up, in TX, well let's just say, police like to pick up girl runaways OR they like to hook up with young women on the street--HOW do I know this?
Well, let's just say, I know, I know what the back of a police car is like....police DO EXPLOIT young women on the streets who are poor or young women who have no family and barely making ends meet. Police do like to exploit strippers and prostitutes too, SO DO JUDGES AND LAWYERS...on That, I know, which is one of the most triggering things I have to deal with, in this crisis I am in now, and which I won't tell them about, oh hell no, but I KNOW, THAT SIDE OF THEM, put it that way. And I was 17 at the time, and this shit lasted until I was in my late twenties. This is something I don't talk about to anyone, what I know about the SYSTEM, and it is HYPOCRISY AT IT'S FINEST...this is why, police and judges and lawyers, get all weird when you confront them on corruption, particularly where Prostitution is concerned or how they exploit homeless women, run away teens, etc. AND THEY ALL DO IT. THEY ALL DO IT, meaning, it don't matter, police, judges, lawyers, psychiatrists, MEN IN POWER-AUTHORITY, and then no one believes you because hey...you're poor white trash, why you should be FLATTERED that they acknowledge you, type of mentality out there. But trust me,
you don't Want their kind of Acknowledgement, talking here about young naive women-girls, Oh, I should add, juvenile male officer to that list, forgot about him [on my way to children's home, yea I was in the system as unwanted child, no criminal, when I was 14] but anyway...it's like they are dogs and they can smell you or something, and you know, the whole thing with CPS is that they KNOW those who are in their data base-system and it's like you're some kind of government trained hooker or something, Monarch, is what I call them--and I know now that is why I always leaned towards the law side of things, political speaking or religion [same thing you know, they are of same blood] and then...on the other side, the criminal meaning, hooking up with MEN who are in criminal, not me myself, but want to know something,
it's a system alright and those of us who've been on that part of the inside, what I call the Venus Temples of Rome--or Knights, we know what it's all about. And yes, many do wind up in the Penal system...and believe me, it's planned out that way.
Why I don't respect the MAFIA system, and it IS MAFIA. Anyhow--
I saw this on a blog, it is very disturbing, but EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN NEEDS TO WATCH THIS. Question is, WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT.
[women, it will trigger but YOU need to be aware, because this is increasing in our POLICE STATE]
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
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2 weeks ago
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