OK well I've been reading about several regions in Africa [post-colonial] to get a better understanding of the situation in the Congo and also, surrounding areas. And I found these organizations too,
the video on this link is very inspiring, encouraging and yes, these women of the Congo and in Sudan are heroes. I've been reflecting a lot today, about just how spoiled and rotten, we seriously are here,
at least that is how I feel and I'm not part of the upper crust--but even still, we are spoiled and just, its just, a huge difference BUT I also wonder, how little we have, spiritually and emotionally, in comparison to so many of these women who have known trial by fire and sufferings we can't even begin to imagine,
for example, thinking about slavery, in Africa and in other places, I have read numerous times, the joy that they find in the most smallest of things, that they hang onto, in all the despair,
and here, we have so much access to joy, music, friends, entertainment, family, sleeping at night without fear [generally speaking, not everyone has a life with these joys], but all in all,
we have so much even in spite of Everything in this nation right now,
well, here,
see the links.
it would be nice, if instead of just protesting CPSIA,
that instead, all those women, in civil disobedience to the CPSIA, create children's items, sell and donate,
to the women for women, sponsor one woman, mother of a child.
Kill two birds with one stone the saying goes [though please no killing any birds]
but you get my point...
and in doing so, creating awareness of the wars and causes of war in Africa, including,
those components for computers [those exempt items on CPSIA] that are raped from the land of Congo, when you look at the RESOURCES EXPLOITED AND THE CONFLICTS OVER LAND--ITS OVER THOSE COMPONENTS, INCLUDING DIAMONDS...
there are projects, that could raise awareness how our consumption contributes to the conflicts [economic colonization, though colonization is past, the economic ties and the soul ties from those economic dependencies, are in no way past]
this is just one idea, maybe someone has some others. I like the going over there but I don't have the funds right now...
but I grieve with them here, I bet there are ways we can send cards and letters too, I'll look into it, for those who can't go there physically,
also, in Brazil, I read this on another blog, the government is attacking or assaulting landless peasants, who are mostly women and children, kicking them off land they farm [they are I would say, very much like peasants, serfs who farm or crop share],
so I will be posting on this too sometime this week. Will be adding it to the prayer section.
OK, well, Women for Women International,
please, please look over
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