OOOH, so Pretty, I am praying and working to obey the teachings of the kind of woman I should know, the Proverbs 31 woman who keeps house and makes pretty things and wears pretty things and talks pretty things and Always honors and obeys my Husband, my Master and Lord...
So I write this blog to encourage and reach out and be that Christian Woman show you just what a good Proverbs 31 Woman I am...
{Hit the four arrow button at bottom to see it in full screen, which you Should, to get the full effect of My Message...}
Mercy Jesus, I pray for Mercy, for What I have done...for what We have done, with the Capitalist-Religious Pharisee Distortion of Proverbs 31.
the other image from inspired home, simply from a google search on pretty home images, you see, my Life doesn't center around Housekeeping, Pretty Things, Showing off what I have or How 'good' I am...I could care less. I'm just a run of a mill Sinful woman who needs Grace and the Cross and who sees a world that is dying...and when Proverbs 31 says she Reaches her hand, extends her hand to the poor, that she clothes her family with 'scarlet' which is a Color so its not about keeping them in clothes but in Mercy, Love, scarlet is the color of Blood which represents Christ's sacrifice for all of us so that WE could live to give life to Others...go back and Read Proverbs 31 and see what it Really says,
its not the pimped out Toxic garbage that is being spewed today that is nothing more than a Capitalist Consumption doctrine, keeping women as Rapunzel's and dumbed down in her 'castle' with her eyes Shut to the Death around her...Consuming and Consuming and those things Consumed,
are majority, BLOOD GOODS, meaning, they are made by the Blood of Millions of Innocents, who are Poor, direly Poor, who are Oppressed, from our Clothes to our Chocolates to our Car Toys [all made/or somehow linked to slavery and even concentration camp conditions where even Children work--car toys, oh yea, seen some really nice photos of those death camps from a friend who Went to Brazil].
I have looked through hundreds of so called Christian Proverbs 31 type women blogs, they make me want to PUKE. I'll be Blunt,
they are nothing more than 'materialism', with a bit of scripture thrown in. Oh and the whole War Dog Love Fest...never mind that one in three of our American women are raped in the armed forces and there IS no justice there, raped by their own 'fellow male good 'moral' boy soldier'-- but oh, you know its those Muslimmmmmssss over there, yea, Right it is.
Its not their fault, its the fault of white privileged males who have for Too long, been selling us THE LIE about what Christianity [in their male image] is supposed to look like,
No wonder, so many spit it out of their mouth...and well, I guess, I just needed to say it. I love 'pretty things' just as much as the next woman,
but I'll be damn if I'll build my life around them and around my husband, while ignoring the death all around the Death Camps in Nazi Germany, with the women walking by the stacks of skeletons of Jews, as if they had not a Care in the world...
oh no, I will NOT, pretend, I don't smell the death nor see the dead.
I hope that you don't either.
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining…
Transform your entrance into a welcoming haven with a round mirror and
trendy entry bench, combining classic design with contemporary flair.
2 weeks ago
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