I'm not big on Valentine's Day, for reasons, well, I don't feel like going into right now, don't care for Mother's Day either, just not, two days that don't do a whole hell of a lot for me,
so, I sort of have my own version of both, which are not patriarchal or commercial. So, with that in mind, I'm posting this, one, to thank God for all that He has shown me, to thank Jesus, for all He's done for me,
and then to you, to those of you, who may need to hear, you are loved.
and I'll let the photos, do the rest. God knows the message in them, what I see in them, they may mean different things to you. Click on the Photo to see the larger photo, the meaning of them, I think, becomes more apparent, the smaller photos just don't do justice to them.
Wild Rose
Wild Dogwood Tree, CA, USA
Dogwood Tree Branch
Olive Garden, Israel,
Love Lies Bleeding, or Amaranthus caudatus
Almond Tree Grove, Israel
Pomegranate Tree
Six Pointed Star of Pomegranite, Israel
Bleeding Heart Flowers
from Sodahead.com [don't click this, I had trouble with pop ups but I always include the link]
it's what is REAL, that COUNTS.
In love,
Large trendy light wood floor and brown floor wine cellar photo with
storage racks
Large trendy light wood floor and brown floor wine cellar photo with
storage racks
Sonja Rants
9 hours ago
Good choice for pictures! Those are awesome!
Thank you Hannah, though I had some help, the Holy Spirit guided me through the entire process. The Dogwood had personal meaning in my life as well as the Love Lies Bleeding, and it sort of tied together in the end. I didn't notice until the seventh time [approx] that I viewed the photos that the Bleeding Heart flowers are on a type of vine--got me to thinking on that one,
it was one flower I'm not too well acquainted with. And the Six Star fruit it interesting too [pomengranite] Still can't spell that right,
anyway, the propagation of the Pomagranite is Very interesting, so much of nature tells a deeper story, in more ways that one. So I am paying attention to nature more--
glad you enjoyed them. I wanted to send a valentine's, a thank you, to those who, really, you all have helped me, in ways that well, God used you all,
and often, your kindness, kind words, saved me, in ways well, lets just say, it made this year, tolerable.
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