well maybe there was a reason I was in that cognitive dissonance yesterday between what I know as the class/race warfare and what I hear in Christianity/Bible, that I have an extremely hard time not saying, Yep, Marx was absolutely Right...opiate indeed for the privilege/status qua pyramid...though I do fight to NOT go down that spiral,
Sure enough, I get word today, thanks to some not sure if fundie or just Stupid hate mongers who claim Christianity in Florida, are having a Koran burning day, 9-11,
I am very outspoken against the abuses in Islam, I understand the outrage/anger, I have fought the relativists on issues that just make me shake my head, it was THE reason I walked away from the far left and quit the Socialist Party I was in...
but to burn the Koran--is stupid, it's asking for war,
sure enough, the Muslims in America are responding, they claim bloodshed,
here it comes folks....but the Travesty is, it didn't Begin with the Jihadist's, oh no, but with Christian whack jobs.
I understand and strongly disagree with the Mosque at the 9-11 memorial, I believe there should be a Human Rights Memorial there--
what peeves me to no end however, is how these religious will USE women's human rights, to push their geo-political racist agenda [and political, it's not always racist] yet at the SAME time,
and now, if this blows up in our faces, it will be, guarantee you, THE WOMEN, WHO WILL PAY WITH THEIR BODIES, because that is how All conflicts are warred out--male savagery on female bodies,
HERE'S TO PATRIARCHY LADIES...now we might just know what the other women worldwide have been suffering under OUR good ole boy Christian patriotic go go rape and kill the female,
right in our own back yard, and we can thank Christian stupid men, our brethren for it...
go figure.
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